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Silly Girl Page 9

  Breathing in deep Matthias locked his eyes on hers. He had to make this right. No matter what he had to expose.

  “When I was seven I got a basketball for Christmas. I’d seen kids play and even had a little Nerf hoop before, but this was the first time I’d ever touched a real basketball in my life. As my hand glided over the goose bumped leather skin I felt a rush.” Matthias rolled to his side and took her hand in his. Removing her glove he inspected the front and back of her hand with his.

  “My heart swelled and I knew I never wanted to let that ball go ever again.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed the inside of her palm. “Until yesterday I’d never felt that way again. I know it’s fast. I know it’s unreal. But when I touched your hand I knew in that moment I never wanted to let you go. I don’t know what Langston said to you but…this feeling is new to me and as much as he thinks he knows me he’s never seen me like this. I can’t even process the thoughts going through my head. But they sure as hell aren’t what I’ve been feeling for the last thirty years of my life. Sylvia, I know you’d never do anything to hurt me. Leaving right now would crush me, is that what you want?”

  Tears were still streaming down Silly’s face. She snuffed up what was coming out and wiped them away. Clearing her throat she looked Matthias in the eye.

  “It wouldn’t crush you.”

  “I beg to differ.” Matthias sighed and said, “How about this, I’ll give you two options. The first is to take me to your car and we drive to your apartment.”

  “And the second.”

  “We walk back to mine.” He grinned.

  “Either way I’m getting some tonight huh?”

  “Only if that’s what you want. I’m fine just talking to you for hours.”

  “Rubbing my feet and learning to cook rice.”

  “Of course.”

  “So it’s confession time is it?”

  “What’s yours?”

  “I moved here because of you. I knew a guy who was talking about going to school down here so I started dating him in hopes that when we both graduated he’d be cool with me tagging along. He was just going to DeVry so it wasn’t like he’d be living on a campus. I lived with him for about a year before I’d saved up enough money to move out on my own. Stalker huh?”

  “Do you work at the museum because of me too?” Matthias raised his right eyebrow.

  * * * *

  Sylvia was set back a little at that one, but she had just said she was a stalker.

  “No. I worked there because they had a night shift position open. But I got put on days. It was probably two years before I saw your name on a plaque outside and I found out you were a benefactor. Lucky stalker. Just like yesterday. Someone called in and I was given the lightest duty.”

  “I’m getting cold, any chance we could finish this discussion while you make me breakfast?” She noticed at that moment he had no gloves or coat. He was wearing the hoodie she had tossed on the ground and a pair of shorts.

  “You still want to be around me.”

  “Tell me the truth. Look me in my eyes. Besides memories and dinner what from my condo do you have with you?”

  Scrunching her forehead Sylvia looked at Matthias like he was crazy, then stared into his eyes because of the little bit of sun that was out had his golden specks dancing in them.

  “Some jackass gave me a dozen hickeys.”

  “You’re not a stalker. And I’m gonna kick his ass when I see him.” Matthias pushed against the snow and got up then extended his hand to pull Sylvia out of the snow bank. With her body securely attached to his they walked in unison back to his condo. “I mean seriously. What kind of—”


  “Adolescent leaves hickeys. Did he spell anything?” he asked, tugging her coat. She pulled away and slapped at him. “Nope. Oh well my tattoo artist will be here at three to properly mark you as mine.”

  Sylvia jabbed him with her elbow and then curled into his chest.

  Could he really have been with Sharee all those years and never kissed her that way? Sylvia felt as if her fairy tale had come true. But in the back of her mind she still wondered.

  Chapter Seven

  Walking back in the condo Matthias had only one thing on his mind. Which was odd considering his arm was wrapped around Silly and ever since the first time he touched her he couldn’t get enough. Even last night all he wanted was more. It was like he’d been on a hunger strike for a thousand years and she was a Vegas buffet.

  “Langston!” he yelled as they walked through the door. He amazed even himself at the fact he hadn’t tore off in a rage. He could feel Silly stiffen next to him and he knew then he was going to be drawing a critical line in the sand.

  “Hey boss…hey you…” Langston’s walk slowed as he looked at Silly curled up into Matthias’ chest. Matthias lightly kissed the top of her head then took two steps toward Langston.

  His fist made contact with Langston’s left cheek sending him careening back into the wall. The second did damage to his lower jaw. Always the one to keep a low profile it’d been years since Matthias had hit anything harder than a sandbag. He could feel his adrenaline pumping and the thought that he was defending Silly’s honor was even greater.

  Langston’s head shook as he stared at Matthias in utter shock. Spitting out blood on the bamboo floor Matthias could see the switch in his eyes. He bull rushed Matthias grabbing him around the waist trying to use his height to set Matthias off balance.

  But pure chivalrous pride had taken over in Matthias’ body and Langston hit the wrong person at the wrong time. Matthias bent into the grab, his arms reached around Langston’s waist, and he actually flipped him over, dropping him on his shoulder.

  Langston grabbed for Matthias’ ankle and pulled him to the floor. They rolled around throwing kidney and liver punches on each other. Until the fog cleared from a sound that came from the distance.

  “Don’t hurt him. Please God don’t hurt him,” Silly cried.

  Matthias’ arm was pinned across Langston’s neck while his hip lay on his belly. The flaying legs would just have to tire themselves out because there was nothing left in him.

  “After what he did,” Matthias snapped. “You’re going to defend him.”

  “Not him. You, you asshole.” Silly was wringing her hands while her feet moved a mile a minute pacing in front of the door. He could tell she wanted to get in the middle, but was not stupid enough to try. “You’re gonna break your wrist or your hand. I didn’t want him to hurt you. But…Ugh…All he did was tell me to go like he’s probably told a hundred women before me. You… You…”

  Matthias smiled and looked down at Langston whose eyes were starting to bulge out. He released his neck then grabbed hold to his head, craning it so he could make out Silly fully.

  “That’s my woman. The first hit was for the photos. The rest was for her. You work for me. Not Sharee you clear?”

  Langston nodded.

  “I said are we clear?”

  “Crystal. I got it.”

  “You wanna keep this job?” Matthias knew full well the answer to that. Langston made over a hundred and fifty K with little to no living expenses. But that was the icing on the cake. He went to the major parties and events and got all of Matthias’ cast offs, which soon would be increasing greatly.

  “Yea Matthias. I want to.”

  “Don’t make this a PR issue.” Matthias pushed up off the floor and Silly ran to him. She stroked the back of his hand to make sure he was okay. Her hands were shaking so much he needed to calm her down. “I’m cool, Silly Girl. I’m cool.”

  “Let’s get some ice just in case. Come on Langston.” Silly ordered and Langston rolled over to push himself up. “You both need a pack of peas on your faces. I don’t suppose you have witch hazel?”

  “No, but Langston’s going out later he can get you some. Whatcha need that for?”

  “Langston’s face. I had a month with a group of MMA fighters. I can reduc
e most swelling.” Silly was already examining Langston’s face like the trainers did in the locker room. “You got a flashlight?”

  “I do.” Langston’s gruff voice carried in the room. “On my keys.” He grabbed the keys he left on the counter and Silly checked his eyes.

  “No concussion.”

  “He hits like a bitch.” Matthias knew Langston was trying to downplay the incident. No one wants a bodyguard that can be taken out by his client. Matthias didn’t care. He needed Langston to block, not stop the crowd with a one two.

  “Whatever,” Silly said, pushing in on Langston’s cheek that had already started to swell. She grabbed some ice, wrapped it in a dishtowel, and placed it over his swelling eye. “Twenty minutes. I’m going to get the applesauce.”

  Leaving the condo Matthias looked at Langston while stretching his fingers to feel the pain shoot up his arm.

  “If your head wasn’t a damn concrete block this wouldn’t be an issue.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Making sure I don’t need her to take care of my hand.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I like her. As a human being as opposed to a bitch I’m fucking. Why is that an issue? You said you got it.”

  Langston dropped the ice from his face and Matthias reacted immediately.

  “She said twenty minutes.”

  “Like I give a shit what some bitch says to…”

  Matthias’ hand was around Langston’s throat before he knew what had happened. An ingrained thought of protection hit him and he didn’t notice the action until Langston started to pull on his arm.

  “I’m sorry…damn man. This isn’t you.”

  “Maybe I didn’t like who I’ve been.”

  “You seemed pretty frickin’ happy to me.”

  “Because that’s the life you want. Different pussy every day…fuck that, every hour. Getting drunk. Didn’t you notice I wasn’t drinking? Sure I took the pussy ‘cause who wouldn’t, but not once did I even ask for their names. That’s not happy.”

  “Man she’s not even all that. Now Sharee…”

  “If you mention Sharee one more time to me.” Matthias brought his hands together as if in prayer that Langston would shut his fucking mouth. “She’s a good person. She’s smart and sexy, but it takes a lot to put that together. Silly’s real.”

  “Well she must have a pussy sent from heaven to have you whipped like this. You went from a dime to a nickel, fuck that, a penny.” Matthias kicked Langston’s stool out from under him, sending his body flopping to the floor and Matthias’ shoe to Langston’s chest.

  “Your dick sucker doesn’t know when to stop does it?”

  “Why you trippin’ over a bitch,” Langston spit.

  “Why can’t you believe that I fell in love with this girl?”

  “Love? It’s been, what, a day?”

  “Fuck it. Clear out your apartment. I’m getting a new PR rep. I’ll get a new bodyguard too.”

  Langston got up off the floor as Matthias went to the fridge for a Gatorade.

  “Don’t do this man.”

  “Do what!” Matthias yelled. “I tell you she’s my woman. You need to respect that. If you can’t, you got your hat already! Get your coat motherfucker!”

  “Hey.” Silly was back and had her hand on Matthias’ chest, bringing him back to center. “Hey. I got a say in this?”

  “You had your say. In the snow. I told you I wanted you to be my woman. You said yes.”

  “You never asked me that. You…I don’t know but that was never said directly.”

  “So what? Now you don’t want to be with me either?”

  “I didn’t say that. What is the matter with you?”

  Looking in Silly’s eyes Matthias knew he was losing her. That was the only thing he feared. Not playing the game right to keep what he treasured above all things. Right now it was her. He needed her as much as he needed food and water. She had become a necessity to life.

  Breathing in deep he grasped Silly’s hands in his while looking in her eyes that were filled with fear and sadness.

  “I apologize. You can ask Langston I don’t lose my temper usually.”

  “But with me you do? That’s not cool. That’s not safe.”

  “Langston leave,” he ordered. The last thing he needed was to have his boy hear him beg like a bitch. Or maybe that was what he needed to have Langston know that he wasn’t bullshitting about Silly. “No wait. Stay. You need to hear this so we’re on the same level.”

  * * * *

  Langston stopped and righted his stool. Sitting back down on it he rested his head on his fist.

  “Silly, I can’t explain it without sounding crazy but I need you in my life. Not just today. There’s something about you I can’t do without. Maybe it’s a temporary thing, but it doesn’t feel that way.”

  Sylvia turned to Langston who looked as shocked as she felt. Matthias’ mood swings were making her head spin. Part of her was afraid he could turn violent and the other part saw that she had somehow done something to him. Made him off balance.

  He was never shaken, but with her he seemed to be.

  “I don’t know if I should be flattered or petrified.”

  “Flattered,” Langston grumbled. “I could have called Sharee everything but a child of God and he’d laugh it off like I’d said nothing. Right now you’d beat the shit out of me?”

  “About Silly? Hell yes.”

  “Be flattered, he’d never hurt you. Although, I think he’d kill a stick or put a brick in the hospital for you.” Langston laid his head on the counter.

  “I don’t get…”

  “I’ll explain later, baby,” Matthias said, pulling her body to his. The warmth radiated off him. Somehow she knew Langston was right. “You gonna make breakfast? Or do I need to whip up some protein shakes?”

  “Please cook.” Langston’s voice was defeated. “Real food, or whatever you can come up with in this Sahara of nutritional sustenance.”

  “Don’t worry you’re going out later,” Matthias informed Langston.

  “Yippee,” Langston said with all the gusto of a five-year-old who was just given a bowl of broccoli for dessert.

  “In this? He can’t,” Sylvia protested.

  “Yes, he can. Reparations for his earlier behavior. Put together a list of your sizes and he’ll buy you some clothes that fit you.”

  “Nothing’s open.”

  “He’ll make them open. What do you like, Dior, DKNY, Chanel?”

  “No.” Sylvia shook her head still unnerved by the turn of events. “I’ll figure something out if you insist on him going.”

  “I’ll take the rest. Matthias has my emotions goin’ like a rollercoaster.”

  Sylvia smiled happy in the knowledge that she wasn’t the only one.

  “I still say it’s not safe.”

  Matthias stood behind Sylvia then wrapped his arms around her body whispering lightly in her ear. “If he goes we have a few hours to be alone and I can apologize for my inappropriate behavior.”

  Well, if that didn’t perk a girl up nothing would.

  “Plus you were right.”

  “About what?”

  “You truly meant plural last night,” Matthias’ whisper sent chills down her back.


  “There’s only one left,” he informed her. She had lost track after her fifth orgasm, but damn she felt better knowing that he kept reapplying condoms. Her body was stuck in permanent shake mode after the second one had been removed. She leaned back so she could kiss his cheek.

  “You got a pen and paper.”

  “Yes ma’am anything you want he’ll get.”

  Sylvia cooked a double batch of Dutch apple pancakes. It took her about five minutes to realize she needed a quadruple batch. But looking at what was left of the flour she opted for scrambled eggs to tide them over until Langston came back with the groceries.

  Taking inventory she mapped out a f
ew meals. With Matthias’ caloric intake she’d need quite a bit. At the bottom of the list she put her sizes. She was embarrassed at the underwear size but she couldn’t keep washing and wearing the same pair until the snow passed.

  “Go to a Super Target or Wal-mart, they’ll be open and you’ll only have to make one stop.”

  “You want clothes from Wally World?” Langston looked shocked. “You know he’ll buy you whatever you want.”

  “I need some sweatpants, T-shirt, and sweatshirts. Socks and underwear too. I’m not high maintenance. I’ll be hanging out here. Who’s going to see me but Matthias and you? Keep the receipt so I know how much to send him when I get home.”

  “You don’t get it do you?”

  “Get what?”

  “You’re his woman. It’s covered.” Sylvia couldn’t get the concept that Matthias Jessup was her boyfriend, let alone all that entailed.

  “A day ago I was eating off brand cereal. Now I have someone offering me Dior. I can’t jump tracks like that. I ask a friend to pick me up a pop from the vending machine I pay the dollar fifty to them when they hand me the bottle. You got it.”

  “He won’t accept the money.”

  “That’s his choice.”

  “Fine, what kind of panties do you want?” he asked, leaning in close making Sylvia’s skin crawl.

  “A pack of bikini cut will be fine,” Sylvia growled.

  “He’s used to thongs.”

  “I don’t care what he wears, I wear bikini cut.” She wanted to add he didn’t mind them last night, then she remembered she’d been going commando. Langston laughed at her comment.

  “So the non-healthy stuff…”

  “Is for me. I didn’t get this ass by skipping dessert.” Sylvia beamed and Langston shook his head. Her hand wrapped around his wrist. “Please be careful. I’d push harder to keep you here if there was more than a loaf of bread and some chicken salad.”

  “He’s got a Hummer. I’ll be fine.” Langston pulled away then turned back to her. “Thanks for caring though.”