Silly Girl Page 6
“I wish I did,” Matthias pouted like a little kid. “Someone washes dishes for the people on the soaps.”
“Are you actually pouting? You have washed a dish before, haven’t you?” Sylvia’s face dropped as she took in her hero, helpless over a sink full of dishes.
“You know I’m only doing this because I don’t want you to die on the roads tonight.”
“Then I guess you can stay my hero.” Sylvia smiled up at him and the pout disappeared.
“Will it earn me a kiss?”
“You’ll retain my respect.”
“I’d rather have a kiss then for you to respect me in the morning.”
“Funny, I’d rather have the opposite.”
“How do I do this?” Matthias asked and Sylvia had to catch his hands before he dunked them into the sink.
“Push up your sleeves.”
“I knew that,” he said and pushed his sleeves. “I did.”
“I’m sure you did.” Sylvia handed him the sponge with the scour side up. “Use this side and scrub the bottom of the pot until all the rice is gone. I’ll get the cheesecake.”
“Fine, but I can’t eat cheesecake.”
“Calories, cholesterol.”
“Matthias, you burn probably five thousand calories a day. And cholesterol? Are you kidding me…”
“I eat a half dozen eggs a day. Minimum.”
“Switch to egg beaters. All the protein without the artery blockers. And anyway you do realize that being sedentary causes the clogs not the cholesterol? I won’t eat if you don’t.”
“Then it will go to waste.”
“What if I feed you?”
Matthias’ top lip curled up, but just on the right. He pulled in on his lips and Sylvia understood how he knew she was hiding something. Walking around the counter she wrapped one arm around his waist then used her right hand to stroke his cheek. With his hands stuck in the water he was trapped.
“I’ll sit on your lap when I do it,” she offered while biting her bottom lip.
Why did she touch him? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Here she was offering herself on a silver platter knowing full well she couldn’t follow through as much as it hurt to say no to him.
“Side saddle or will you ride me right.”
“And you went too far,” she said backing up and pulling away from him. With a slosh his warm, wet hand caught her wrist and he pulled her close again.
“Why do you want me to eat the cheesecake?” he growled.
“Because it’s smooth, creamy, sweet on the tongue…”
“I’m liking this.”
“And you need to do something for you.”
“You could do something for me that I would like better than cheesecake.” His finger traced the edge of her cheek to her chin where it slid down her neck coming to rest at the notch on her sternum. “It appears to be smooth and creamy. Bet you a thousand dollars it’d taste sweet on my tongue.”
His voice was perfect. His touch divine. The only reason she let him hold on to her was because Sylvia knew she was about to melt into a puddle on the floor.
“Are you warm?” He asked leaning his head so his lips fell next to her ear. “Your face seems a little flush.”
Warm. Hot. Near explosion. She could feel every ounce of her resolve falling away like leaves in autumn. Each whisper that passed by her gently lofted another layer to the ground. Out of sheer necessity she wrapped her free arm around his waist in hopes that she’d be able to hold on.
“Silly, you seem to agree with me.” Her lips filled and started to tingle as she rested her forehead on his chest.
“Please don’t take away my dream,” she pleaded almost in pain at the thought.
“Can’t I make it come true?”
Her head shook no. There was no way he could be better in real life than he had been in her imagination. Matthias’ finger pushed up on her chin, making her head fall back.
His thumb stroked her bottom lip that started to quiver from his touch.
“One little…” He leaned in closer. “Kiss.”
His voice stayed low and she turned her head so he kissed her on the corner of her lips. Not full on. She couldn’t handle full on, but it was heaven. The touch was so light it almost felt like a breeze. A sweet gentle breeze that tuned her up so much she fell back on the counter.
“We need to work on that.” Matthias smiled and placed one arm on each side of her. Sylvia now saw the error in her escape. As he leaned in her hand shot up right over his heart. The hard pounding made her feel that this was more than a one-night-stand to him. His heart should never beat this hard unless he’d been exercising or…if he felt the way she did. His rhythm and hers had to be in unison at the moment.
“What’s your resting heart rate?” Sylvia asked.
* * * *
Matthias was nothing if not thrown off guard. His lips were seconds from his goal. He could almost taste her. Her breath had tickled his lips.
Matthias’ eyes fluttered as he pushed back, allowing his palms to dig into the granite countertop.
“I need to introduce you to the Young and the Restless.”
“It’s just… Your heart is beating so fast.”
“I was a second away from kissing you. Would you prefer it was at forty beats per minute? What’s your heart doing?”
Fuck this. He’d never felt the need to kiss a woman. It was not like his lips had never touched one before, but only when necessary and never with his insistence. Always theirs.
“That’s not the point,” she said.
“What is the point?”
“I need you to stop.”
There was more heat in between them than he’d ever experienced. He scrubbed a damn pot for her. She owed him, didn’t she? It was his damn cookware—if he wanted to leave it a mess he could. He just never wanted to see that look in her eyes again. Holy shit, he thought, his heart…she’d found it. No one had even scratched it and Silly had a hold to it.
She would be his, he promised himself that.
“You want this as bad as I do.”
“You said no strings.”
“I wasn’t planning on tying you up…unless.”
“No unless. Matthias…” Silly’s voice whined as her face scrunched up making it even harder on Matthias to not touch her.
“You’re cute when you try to be firm knowing full well you have no resolve left.”
“You don’t know what I have left in me.”
“How ‘bout this. I won’t push if you let me touch non…” Matthias let his hand swing between her pelvis and chest.
“Non what?” Silly replied, with a raised eyebrow.
“Directly erogenous zones.”
“So we can’t talk either.”
“You sayin’ there’s more to me than my body?”
“Very much so.”
God, wasn’t that a turn on. A woman who found more than his wallet, chest, and abs attractive.
“You can’t tell me there isn’t something between us?”
“I can be a very convincing liar.”
“One kiss and we can sit on the couch and discuss my rumors.”
Silly shook her head at him. “No kiss.”
“Can I touch you there?” He pointed to her inner thigh. Damn he was negotiating like a damn teenager. If nothing else, he was reliving his youth, but with the no’s he never received.
Silly laughed and shook her head.
“There?” He pointed to her knee and she bit her lip then shook no. “Can I hold your hand?” He was actually begging at this point.
“I don’t know.”
“What’s wrong with holding your hand?”
“I have this feeling about you. How about this? I do the touching. Then it’s on my terms and I’ll be more comfortable.”
“What if I don’t want you to touch me somewhere? You might lure me and touch me in my special place.”
“I’ll av
oid this area.” She said making circles over his hips.
“What makes you think that’s my special place?”
Silly laughed and his whole world seemed right. “Fine, I’ll only touch there.”
“You can’t do that.”
“First it’s no and then it’ll be yes. Confusing.”
“I didn’t say yes.”
“You touch there you’re going to be saying more than yes. It’ll be. Oh yes. Oh yes. Oh yes.”
* * * *
“No oh my Gods?” Sylvia joked. He’d broken her. As much as she hated to admit it.
“Well, that’s to be expected.”
“What would you be doing if I wasn’t here tonight?” She asked hoping that they could move on.
“Crying into a pillow because you weren’t here to make me smile.”
“Stop it.” She growled through gritted teeth as she pushed on his chest. Conceding defeat she wrapped her arms around his waist, buried her face into his abdomen, and hugged him.
His hand stroked her hair making her body go lax from the tenderness he was showing.
“What’d I do to deserve this?” He asked but she couldn’t tell him. Her dream was coming true. She was talking to him on a real level.
“The dishes, well you started them.”
“This isn’t done?” he asked holding up the pot that had brown marks on it still.
“Here.” Sylvia pulled him back to the sink and stood with him behind her. “Put your hands under mine,” she whispered softly.
Matthias complied and rested his chin on her shoulder. Heat surged from Sylvia’s core to the top of her head making the world spin for a moment. As she used Matthias’ hand to press the rough green part of the sponge on the bottom of the pot, she felt warm and safe. Engulfed by his body, her eyes closed as he nipped at her neck. She could feel him growing hard behind her with every circular pass in the pot.
“Oh damn,” she moaned and felt him smile against her neck. Warm, wet heat slid down her thighs and she knew she needed to stop or the ache in her womb was going to have her making poor choices.
“Why are we still standing here?” Matthias whispered, followed by a light lick of his tongue to her earlobe. “Creamy, sweet on the tongue…”
“The pot’s ruined,” she lied to get her composure back.
Matthias stiffened behind her, and not in a good way. He stood up and tossed the pot in the trash with a crash. Breaking the connection he turned away from her and stood in the corner with his hands on the counter.
“Give me a minute,” he spat.
“It’s not that I don’t…want…”
“I see now why I need to learn to cook rice correctly.”
“Can we go to the couch?”
Sitting, Sylvia pulled her legs underneath her and looked at Matthias. Breathing in deep, she tried to explain herself.
“I’m trying to be myself. But then there are parts of me that say…he wants a girl that does this or that. Some of it’s really me. But I catch myself stepping outside who I am. To be who I think you want.”
“I want you to be yourself.”
“And I want to be myself but I’m a loser dorky…” Sylvia’s hands started to spin. “Spaztastic….superfreak that no one has ever loved.” Sylvia fell back on the armrest kicking herself for the last line. Her hands covered her face and she wanted to die from embarrassment. “You see why I don’t talk.”
Her body became warm like a blanket had been placed over her. Moving her hands and opening her eyes she saw Matthias smiling down. He’d crawled over her body, but was respecting the no touching rule. With about an inch between them, he leaned in close and kissed her on the tip of her nose.
“I wished you talked more. Tell me though. The flirting?”
“Was me…well me with you. I’m not one to go to a club and say that to a stranger.”
“I need to trust you as much as you need to trust me. I can’t do that if you’re not honest with me.”
“Is that starting to hurt?” She asked looking at Matthias stretched out above her. Every muscle was tensed. With a smile as big as a Cheshire cat he plopped on her making Sylvia groan.
“Too heavy?” He asked with a devilish grin.
“Testing out for later?” She replied but she could feel the fear setting in. She needed to get him off her before she panicked. “Off please.” She pleaded as she pushed hoping he wasn’t able to see the tears that had started to form in her eyes.
“What’s the magic word?”
“Get off me or you’ll be a freaking eunuch.”
Matthias backed off and sat at the edge of the couch looking at her. She could see he knew more than he was saying. But they weren’t there yet. They might never be there.
“I’m claustrophobic,” Sylvia tried to explain in vain. “I didn’t mean to snap.”
“You have nothing to apologize for.”
Breathing in deep, Sylvia looked at him sitting across from her and regretted the action.
“I told you I was a spaz.”
“At least you told me something about you that was real.”
Partially real, Sylvia thought, but smiled just the same that she’d made him happy.
Matthias’ phone rang and he grumbled as he looked at the screen.
“I have to take this,” he groaned, then his voice changed. “Hello Terry is it that time again…got it…” there was an extended silence and Matthias fished out a set of ear buds with a microphone on it so he could talk without holding the phone. “Thanks for having me tonight...Oh yes it is a blizzard here but don’t worry I’m all bundled up safe and sound at home…”
Matthias continued with what Sylvia could only assume was an interview of some sort. She turned on the couch to leave but Matthias simply placed his hand on her knee and squeezed.
“Me…I don’t know, I see a turnaround of sorts on the horizon.”
Matthias stroked Sylvia’s leg from below her knee to her mid-thigh. He talked about the future of the team and his next five opponents as his eyes seemed to devour her. Sylvia shook her head at him then got up to finish the dishes.
It was funny to be on this side of the interview listening to Matthias strategize on the fly. He seemed so adept at all the publicity, but after a decade, Sylvia supposed it was second nature to him. She loaded the dishwasher, wiped down the counters, and took stock of his supplies. With no basics she’d have to get creative in the morning for breakfast. He did have two and a half dozen eggs and milk…she guessed it was a start.
Exploring further didn’t seem invasive given the open floor plan of the condo. There was a bar in the corner and next to it was a pile of trophies, some still covered in bubble wrap. Sylvia knelt down and examined all of his accomplishments. It seemed adorable to her that he had fourth grade tournament medals next to his All-Star Game MVP trophy. Then again this was his life. All he’d ever done revolved around a ten-foot metal hoop.
Matthias motioned for her to come back to the couch so Sylvia put down a plaque he’d received in high school. When she returned to the couch, he smiled and fussed with her hair. She lay back on his chest and he held her to him. Sylvia wanted to remember this moment so she took in the smells, the feel of arms around her, and the timber of his voice. As he wound down the interview Sylvia enjoyed the vibrations from his voice on her ear.
“Tonight? I hopefully will be able to turn in a little early after a workout.” Matthias squeezed Sylvia’s leg and she squirmed free.
Giving him a stink eye, she challenged him from the far side of the couch. He winked, letting her know he wasn’t giving up his attempts at sleeping with her. She licked her lips and he dropped his head back like she’d just teased him beyond his ability to handle himself.
“Thanks for having me on…anytime…goodnight.” Matthias set the phone down and smiled. “Now, where were we?”
“Rumors, lies—”
“And turn-ons. H
ow about you come back here and let me tell you my secrets.”
Sylvia looked at his outstretched arms and clutched the couch to keep herself from leaping into them. Instead she held her ground and began her own interview.
Chapter Five
An hour later Sylvia yawned covering her mouth and apologized. “Scuse me. Where’s my bedroom? It’s getting to be that time of night.”
“About that…”
“I have two bedrooms…”
“One’s a weight room,” Matthias said quickly.
“So where am I going to sleep?”
“Here’s the deal…” Sylvia crossed her arms and raised one eyebrow. “I thought it’d be a moot point by now.”
She shook her head then leaned back on the sofa. “I’ll sleep here. Just get me a blanket.”
“No. I will. I can’t have you here while I sleep in my bed.”
“You can’t sleep here because it’ll mess up your lower back. I’ll be fine.”
“Silly, it’s not an option. You saw my bed. It’s huge. I’ll be a good boy…”
“Since when?” Sylvia scoffed. He’d been turning her on all night long making it hard to be in the same room with him. How would she ever be able to sleep next to him?
“How about a pillow wall?”
“Oooooh and can we use blankets for a roof. It’ll be the neatest fort ever.”
Matthias rolled his eyes at her then pushed off the couch.
“Look here snow buddy you better come to bed or we’ll have another cheesecake standoff.”
“Fine. But I’m sleeping in this.”
“That’s okay. I’ll be naked.”
“You better not be mister.” Sylvia pointed at his chest and pushed him down the hallway backwards.
“For you I’ll wear socks.”
“Come on,” Matthias stopped and let Sylvia step in front of him. “Haven’t I been a good boy almost all night?” he asked, wrapping his arms around her waist and leaning his head on her shoulder.
The warmth of his body behind her was so comforting. Maybe he could just snuggle with her in bed. No. The wall of pillows was a must.