Triple B. Baking Co. Read online

Page 6

  “So tonight has happened to you before?” he asked a bit relieved.

  “No,” she scoffed. “Not in the slightest.”

  Well, that was a nice slug to his ego. He didn’t need one anyway.

  “Don’t take offense. Even my virginity was taken by someone who couldn’t be celibate for forty-eight hours. It’s different here. I don’t hear about people randomly having sex in a bathroom.”

  “We prefer the bed of a pickup truck,” Austin winked and pulled out a bit of a southern drawl. “You know it’s called a bed for a reason.”

  “You used that once, didn’t you?”

  “No, but I know a few guys who did.” Now, it was Austin’s turn to look away. “Rae was the only girl for me. You’re right, it is different here. Dating a seventh grader when you’re in high school isn’t as big of a deal because the building is connected.”

  “That’s beyond high school sweethearts.”

  “Yeah, and I respected her, but I also only had a limited allowance and transportation. Going into Waterloo for condoms, so no one I knew would see me…speaking of which. I probably haven’t bought a condom since Clinton was president.” Jesus, he was back to being a teenager.

  “I have what’s called polycystic ovaries, basically my body naturally produces birth control.”

  “We’re good about…” He wiggled his finger back and forth between the two of them.

  “It shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Shouldn’t?” he asked nervously.

  “Even if I get pregnant, I usually can’t hold on to the baby for more than a month. Part of me not being female. Outside of the seahorse, girls should be able to get knocked up.”

  “What about adoption? Not that I’d ever change what happened in my life, but that was my parent’s first thought when I told them about Rae.”

  “It was discussed. I guess we knew too many people in LA who adopted a child like they did a dog from the pound. Had to be cute and able to be brought out for display without piddling on the carpet. I know that’s not the norm, but it was for us. We even talked about a surrogate,” she said and then picked up a piece of crust. “Erik wanted his own child. Carried by a woman who would love it all through the pregnancy. I just don’t have the capabilities.”

  “So, he left you.”

  “No, I left him. He had too much honor to leave me for such a little thing like not being able to pop out kids every other year for him. I couldn’t go through the procedures and miscarriages anymore, but I couldn’t deny him a chance to be a father. Now, he’s a wonderful one from all I’ve heard.”

  “Already? You’ve only been here for three years.”

  “Erik’s one of the bigger producers in the LA area. Finding someone to move into a Malibu mansion and their only duty being procreation is pretty easy. He avoided the starlets that would have shooting schedules. So yeah, it took about ten minutes.”

  “But you drive a ten year old Jeep?” he said hitching his thumb. “And work insane hours.”

  “I don’t need to. I bought that truck with the money in my purse when I walked out of the courtroom. Filled it with clothes, my laptop and a few knickknacks I wanted and drove.”

  “He left you with nothing though.”

  “My business account is in the local bank, not my personal.” Merryn got up and took the pizza stone out of the bed as she walked into the kitchen. “Gossip and all.”

  Chapter Five

  No one in town needed to know how much money she had sitting in the bank. Although now, she could live off of the profits from the bakery, it hadn’t always been that way. She felt guilty that Erik still sent her fifteen thousand dollars a month. It was an obscene amount of money for someone living in northeast Iowa. If she’d made it all the way to New York, maybe then she would’ve needed a settlement like that. She’d had over eight thousand dollars in cash when she opened her purse in the offices of Berner, Stein and Gregory. As she stared down at the walking around money she was disgusted at who she’d become.

  There was no reason for the cash, she had a dozen credit cards. All of which had limits higher than the gross national product of a small Caribbean island. Erik was a hard ass in the boardroom and a puppy dog around her. He’d scooped her out of the bistro where she’d been working as the pastry chef to pay her way through culinary school.

  At first, the parties were decadent. Then she prayed she wouldn’t be the one hosting anymore. The little tedious things that need to be perfect, so the pretty people could all fawn over how amazing they all were. Only she’d seen the truth. The ones who knew they were famous versus the ones who were faking it. Fakers were the worst. They made demands as if they had a clue. The famous ones weren’t afraid to help her load the dishwasher when the caterers were overwhelmed.

  Austin was still on the bed processing what she’d implied. Maybe it was too much, even for him, the quiet one.

  “I’m trusting you with my secret,” she said as she sat on the bed but faced him.

  “Speaking of trucks,” Austin said as he turned and placed his feet on the floor. “I should at least move mine.”

  Tightness encapsulated her heart and she fought to not kick herself.

  “That is if you don’t have a problem with me staying here.” Austin stood. “I can sleep on the couch. My road won’t be plowed until two days after the snow stops.”

  “Don’t you have animals?” she asked trying to not be excited that he was suggesting he would be staying.

  “I also have farm hands that live with me. I’ll check in with them, but I think you’ll have to do some things for me, if you want me to keep your secrets.”

  “Will I now?” she said as she crossed her arms, but smirked. “What could that possibly be?”

  “I never told you what I wanted to do with you.”

  Warmth rushed through Merryn and she felt a familiar tingle. “Aaron picked up your truck a few hours ago,” she confessed. “It’s not drivable at this time.”

  “What? I just smashed my passenger mirror…didn’t I?”

  “He said something about a U joint. I told him you’d call him later.”

  “Well that changes things.”

  “Just a bit. You’ll have to be here for a week at least,” she said as she teased him with her eyes.

  “Sadly, that I can’t do.” Austin’s fingers traced Merryn’s cheek, then he cradled her head in his hands. “Besides, it’ll take me longer than a week to do everything I want.”

  “It would be smart to pace ourselves,” she replied with a huskiness that vibrated her whole body as she straddled his hips. His arms wrapped around her as his hands travel down her back leaving a trail of scorching heat until he cupped her ass. Her elbows rested on his shoulders as her fingers ran through his hair. “Show me Austin.”

  With a light lick to her lips, her eyes got lost in his as they became heavy lidded with desire. A bulge grew beneath her as his breathing slowed and he inhaled sharply. Her hips glided over the hardness toward his body and he pulled in his lips keeping his eyes locked on hers. Dark pools swirled as she slipped back than forward again. She could feel the wetness pooling as the friction rubbed so sweetly. The strength in his fingers gripped Merryn’s ass as a moan sent a tremor between them both and she couldn’t tell where the sound came from.

  His hand moved to cradle her face and claimed her lips driving his tongue inside. There was no question at this point, the moan was completely hers as he dropped back onto the bed without breaking their connection. The taste of him on her lips was almost too much for her to bear. How had she missed him for three years? She’d needed the time, but her body was desperate for release.

  Pants fell to the floor and she once again, got to feel him against her. This time, he felt heavy against her center and he released the embrace and took in her look.

  They fell into each other in a way she’d never experienced before. As he entered her, he placed his hand under her back and arched her chest, so his mouth could trav
el down the center. Thrusting was slow at first while he worked his way back up to her neck. Sucking on the exposed skin as her legs wrapped around his waist, holding him tight to her. He was thick and long, opposite of the rest of his body. Filling her so no nerve could be avoided he thrust and drove against her until her only response was to cling to his broad shoulders and hold on for fear of falling as her body clenched around his swollen member.

  This was not the rushed reaction from earlier. He not only brought her to orgasm, he sent her flying over the edge and left her wanting more. This time, he didn’t disappoint. As one climax had settled her body, he rolled her in the bed and soon was looking up at her. Her hips couldn’t help but rock as she surrounded his shaft once again. Now, it was his turn to shudder and press his head against the pillow as he emptied himself inside her.

  Flopping down onto his body, she curled herself into his arms, unsure if the tremors she was experiencing would end and praying they didn’t. His fingers traced along her arm from her elbow to her shoulder and back again. So lightly, she felt the hair rise all over her body.

  “That’s one,” he said with a sigh. “Only a thousand more to go.”

  * * * *

  For the first time in almost five years, Austin woke next to a woman and not being licked by a dog. He had to say it was a vast improvement.

  Merryn stirred a bit before her internal clock beat the alarm clock on the nightstand.

  In those few moments, he played with her auburn hair, twisting the ends and letting it fall over her shoulders. Full lips twitched and he wanted to find them with his, but as he was approaching, the alarm let out a screech with music behind it.

  Merryn’s arm swung without regard for him as she crossed his body to silence the noise. Still in a sleepy stupor, she realized she’d climbed on top of him and laughed. “My bad, next time you kill the alarm.”

  “It’s okay with me,” Austin said as his hands glided up her still bare sides and he brought her down for a morning kiss.

  She flopped on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

  “So, that happened,” she said.

  “I suppose I should check the roads. See if the guys can pick me up.” Austin rolled on his side and wanted to trace her body with his finger. She had amazing curves, but she’d already hopped out of bed and wrapped herself in a robe. “You mind if I catch a shower?”

  “No,” she said simply. “Towels are in my closet. I have to check to see if the Worthington needs anything.” She stepped into her kitchen and picked up a phone.

  Maybe she wasn’t wanting anything more than one night. Then again, with how he performed, he wasn’t surprised she wasn’t demanding he stay with her. When he opened her closet door, he saw stunning dresses tucked away in the back of the closet. Beautiful ones like what were on the Hollywood rag magazines his daughters would kill each other for. Snatching a towel from the shelf, he went into her small bathroom and got cleaned up.

  When he came out of the shower, he went in search of his clothes. They’d tossed them last night in their haze of lust, but three steps in any direction covered the space in the apartment. It was like they’d vanished. He tiptoed down the spiral staircase to the kitchen in the bakery and heard Merryn mixing away.

  She’d dressed in her normal jeans and t-shirt with her hair bound back in a ponytail and baseball cap. Her back was to him and he became mesmerized watching her as she carefully measured some items and others like vanilla…she seemed to go on instinct. He didn’t mean to be letch, but damn she looked good.

  “I’m so sorry, Merryn,” Summer said as she rushed through the swinging kitchen door.

  Austin froze in fear as Merryn turned and caught him standing there with just a towel around his waist.

  “I couldn’t get my car to start so I had to walk—” Summer’s words were halted as she tried to take in the sight in the kitchen.

  “I figured you wouldn’t be here?” Merryn replied.

  “I was scheduled and my parents say that means you go in. I tried calling,” she said as red blush warmed her cheeks. “But I guess you didn’t hear the phone.”

  “You know Austin right?” Merryn asked, not willing to hide the giant pink elephant that he was.

  “Yeah.” Summer’s eyes turned down, then back up to meet his. “I’m applying for the Daisy next year.”

  “I don’t make those decisions,” Austin explained with his hand locked on the top of his towel. “Merryn I couldn’t find…” His eyes dropped down to his bare feet.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t sleep much, so I ended up tossing your clothes in the wash last night. I just moved them to the dryer a few minutes ago.”


  “I figured it’d be a bit before the guys could pick you up.”

  Summer was draping an apron over her head trying to not look at Austin, but failing as she pulled her own hat on her head and her blonde ponytail through the hole. Her normally pale face was flushed red at the sight, not that Austin was liking the situation much better.

  “Is there somewhere else you’d like me?” Summer asked pointing to the front of the bakery.

  “Since you’re here, I have cut out dough in the second mixer. How about you start rolling those out and I’ll help Austin save some dignity?”

  Austin turned and headed up the staircase with Merryn not far behind.

  “I never thought you were creepy,” Summer called after him as an afterthought.

  “Exactly how am I supposed to respond to that?” he asked Merryn when they were safe in her apartment again.

  “It’s a new one to me too.”

  “It’s nice to know she doesn’t normally yell up at the men she finds in your kitchen.”

  “Wow, you just cast that line right out there, didn’t you?”

  “You are from the land of actresses.”

  “And I never was one.”

  “You were a bit,” Austin said as he gathered her into his arms. “Playing hostess and all.”

  “True, God knows I hate people. If you didn’t creep people out so much, I wouldn’t have to come out of the kitchen at all.”

  “I have a feeling you would miss Darryl.” He leaned down to capture her lips and found the sweet taste of vanilla and sugar. She must have been tasting the dough. “Now, what am I going to do being naked for the next hour?”

  “Maybe I should call everyone and say I ran out of flour. You think they’d believe me?”

  “With me as a character witness…” He laid another soft kiss on her forehead.

  “The creepy old guy?” Merryn let out a strained whistle. “Something tells me that won’t fly.”

  “Summer doesn’t think I’m creepy.”

  “Must be because she saw you half naked.”

  “I doubt it, she could be one of my daughters.”

  Merryn broke from his embrace and went to her closet.

  A chill ran down his back. He’d never thought of his daughters as being baggage, but to a woman who couldn’t carry a child, maybe they were. Here he was with a child in high school, that’s a lot for anyone. “Did I say something wrong?” he asked as she passed him an old Rams jersey. “Um, it’s sexy for a woman to wear just a jersey top, not a guy.”

  “I figured you’d want something.”

  “I’m good.” He passed the jersey back to her and braced his hands on either side of the closet door. When she looked to duck under his arm, he slid it down to block her.

  “Summer needs me downstairs.”

  “You know it’s going to be out that we spent the night together.”

  “So?” she snapped. “I didn’t do anything…” She used two hands to pull his arm away and pass through as she began making the bed. “Austin, I didn’t do anything I regret. If people want to talk about it, let them. If you think the gossips here are bad you have no idea. Unless you regret last night, I see no reason to lie. It’s not like I’m taking out a full page ad in the Braden Bugle either.”

  “Yeah, a three q
uarter ad would still be tasteful and not bragging.”

  She turned to him with the pillow he’d been sleeping on wrapped tight to her chest as her lips quirked up. “This is good then?”

  A wave of relief replaced the tense muscles in his back. “Yes, I wasn’t upset Summer saw me, because I wanted to hide we’d been together. Trust me, give Ty or Lane one beer and they’ll be running their mouths at Buddy’s.”


  “Sorry, I live in a coop full of hens.” Austin helped straighten out the covers. “We’re a bit grown to be boyfriend girlfriend—”

  “You are because you’re old.”

  “Of course, do you have any liniment for my back? I think I pulled something last night.”

  “As long as you didn’t break a hip, I take it as a win at your age.”

  Austin scooped Merryn up in his arms, then dropped her on the bed with a loud squeak of the springs. She laughed as he pinned her arms above her head and his towel fell to the floor. Now, he was at a definite disadvantage. Below him, Merryn’s legs were spread giving him a soft place to rest as he nibbled on her neck. But releasing her arms could only lead to something he wasn’t ready for, her possibly leaving. “Are you sure you have to work?” he asked as his nose touched hers.

  “I don’t have backups like you…I guess it’s stupid, but all my recipes are tucked away in my head.”

  “Darn, I like your head. I was hoping to keep it close to me.” His lips claimed hers and her legs locked around his waist. This whole being with a woman again felt right—so very right he wasn’t sure he’d ever want to go home. Something about being tucked away in this little apartment felt right. Responsibility knocked on the edges of his brain as they always did. His family had been scattered to the wind, yet he tried to keep the anchor in place. As Merryn ran her fingers through his wet hair then down his back with nails leaving a trail as they went, he wished he’d taken steps to talk to her sooner.

  Life had become robotic and metered. Floating from one task to another. Never taking the time to enjoy a moment, because joy had been ripped violently from his life. Merryn was bringing the joy back and he couldn’t imagine his world would ever go back to methodical steps until death again.