Silly Girl Page 4
He returned, not because of his promise, but because Sylvia didn’t let her admiration compromise her integrity. The guard he’d signed an autograph for earlier hadn’t moved, proving there was no reason for Sylvia to stay. He’d probably only seen three other patrons the whole time he’d been there.
Matthias nodded to the male guard and walked down the small decline to be by her side. She jumped when he touched her shoulder.
“Deep in thought?”
“More lost…look, I appreciate the offer…”
Matthias could feel his gut pulling in. This had happened in May as he saw his team getting knocked out in the first round. Someone was taking something that he wanted away from him and he felt helpless to stop it. But just like in game five, he wasn’t going to give up. Until he understood the draw this woman had for him, he was going to push until he got her.
“What are you so afraid of?” Her body stiffened. “People can see that you’re leaving with me. I’m more vulnerable than you are.”
Matthias looked at her shaking his head. “Oh…because I…I could never do that to you.”
“You don’t even know me. How do you know what you couldn’t do to me?”
“I know you. Unless everything about you is a lie, I know you.”
“It might be.”
“You’ve been around too long. Ten years of prime coverage would have turned up something.”
“Twelve,” he corrected. It’d been over twelve years he’d been in the league.
“Really it’s eight. I was being nice. You’re first few years were ugly.”
Her honesty caught him off guard. Only Sharee had ever been honest with him before. No one wanted to upset the great Matthias Jessup.
“Why are you so interested in me? You can have anyone.”
“Maybe I want to help out someone.”
“Without getting something back?” she questioned with eyes unsure. With his free hand Matthias stroked her cheek and he could see her try to control a shiver.
“I’m attracted to you. I’m not going to deny it. But I’m not trying to take advantage of you. You’ve made it more than clear you’re in love with Pele, Silly.”
“It’s not silly to like Pele.”
“I was calling you Silly. Sylvia. Silly.”
“Is that supposed to be a term of endearment Mr. Jessup?”
“Matthias. Please.” Matthias racked his brain to remember the name of the guy who’d asked him for the autograph. “That other guard. DeShawn. You think he’d let you leave early?”
“He’s not a supervisor.” She looked over her shoulder at DeShawn who was staring now. Sylvia turned and walked back through the exhibit doors.
Following Silly like a goddamn puppy, he caught up with her as she stared silently at the picture of Brandi Chastain with her shirt off following the World Cup win. He tapped Silly’s shoulder so she turned around.
“Who’s the supervisor?”
“I am. In this section.”
His phone vibrated.
“Yes,” he said answering the phone as quietly as he could. Silly turned back to a picture allowing him some privacy.
“Where are you?” His ex-wife’s disapproving tone cut through the air.
“Are we married still? Because once you got half and more I removed the GPS tracking device from my ass letting you know I can move without your approval.”
“I didn’t even get half so please don’t start a fight. You know going out without Langston is dangerous.”
“I’m fine. No one is even in the museum today because of the weather. Don’t worry I’m not screwing up your next paycheck.”
“You mean more to me than that and you know it. Get home before you end up in a crash.”
“I walked.”
“You slip and fall I’m getting Nurse Ratchet to do your after care.”
“You’ll still give me a sponge bath right?”
“You wish. I have some new PR agents coming over after the holidays.”
“Because I’m your ex-wife and you need someone else to cover your ass from now on.”
A sharp pain hit Matthias across his temples. “Just PR right?”
“Yes.” she sighed. “It’s funny, it never hurt me when you were with other women and we were married.”
“You heard about Dallas?”
“I covered for Dallas. I don’t pack your bags anymore, please tell me…”
“Don’t worry. You trained me well,” He replied thinking he still had the second strip of Magnums unused in his bag. Oh well he was going out of town next week anyway.
At that moment, Silly moved to another picture and he could just make out the curve of her ass on the other side of the white wall. Talk about a sculpture he wanted to feel. Matthias walked further around the corner to get out of Silly’s earshot.
“The guy you’re with…”
“Now you care?”
“Does he…” Matthias couldn’t put into words the jolt he felt touching Silly, or the way his whole body warmed when he looked in her eyes. “Feel different than me.”
Sharee’s breathing sharpened on the other end of the line. Her fingers hit the receiver and he knew she was crying again. Not because he’d hurt her, but because she understood what he meant.
“It’s hard to breathe when I’m around him.”
“That’s a good thing?”
“Seven years old. Christmas.”
In that moment he knew what she meant.
“Thanks Sharee, for everything. You know I’d be nothin’ without you.”
“Yeah, yeah and I’ll always be your best friend.” She hung up. Sliding his phone back in his pocket, he walked back around to Silly.
“So, Silly. You think you could knock off a few minutes early? Leave DeShawn in charge? He’d love the responsibility.”
Silly swallowed hard then let out a long sigh. Her hand slid to her hip and she removed a walkie-talkie.
“22 to 3.”
“3 here.” A man’s voice crackled across the radio.
“I’ve got no one in my section and the roads are looking bad. Gonna stay at a local place and leave my car in the garage. My friend is here, but needs to get going, can I take off?”
“I’ve got a SUV if you need a ride home.”
“I’ll be good. You live opposite of me anyway.”
“Who else is in your section?”
“Tell him to lock up and you head out. You sure you don’t want a ride?”
“No. I’m good. I’ll give him my radio.”
Her hand held tight to the radio as her eyes stayed down. “Are you happy now?”
* * * *
Walking back towards the desk, Sylvia tried to not look at any part of Matthias. Everything from his long fingers to his jaw line, his walk, the way his sweater hugged against his chest, was turning her on.
The proximity overwhelmed her every sense. His cologne was fresh like a Cool Water or Hugo Boss, but not sweet like Eternity. It still had a manly cut to it making her want to turn and breathe him in.
“DeShawn. Kirk wants you to lock up this section. I’m taking off.”
DeShawn smiled at her and she cut her eyes back. All the jokes about Matthias being her boyfriend were coming back at her full force.
“I’ll be escorting Mr. Jessup out and then I’m gone for the day.”
“Okay.” DeShawn drug out the word. It was all she could do to not ball up her fist and punch him. When Matthias turned up the hallway that was exactly what she did. Punching DeShawn’s arm then turning around like nothing had happened.
“Are we ready? I need to go get my coat.”
“Lead the way,” Matthias said with an outstretched palm.
Sylvia didn’t know how to deal with the feelings rushing through every inch of her body. She’d watched Matthias from afar, even had inappro
priate dreams about him that she tried to block out when her ex would slide on top of her because she’d started pawing him in the night while she was half asleep. How was she supposed to sleep in the same apartment as Matthias Jessup and not attack him in the middle of the night?
Her face flushed red and she turned toward the white wall to her right to hide it from him as she imagined tying him up. She then flashed through the rolodex of day dreams she’d had about how she could seduce him with her eyes or smile. Charm him with a giggle or anecdotal story only to remember she didn’t giggle or know how to flash her eyes to make anyone look at her.
Sure, he said he was attracted to her, but then again there was a blizzard barring down and maybe he was just looking for guaranteed action. She examined her blazer, black pants, and Payless shoes that had to be at least five years old. She’d used a Sharpee on them not that long ago to cover up the scuffmarks. The black rubber soles of the shoes had lost all their tread and here she was about to walk on ice with them.
The more she thought about it, it didn’t make sense. She knew how fairy tales went and even with the plain Jane there had to be a fairy godmother or talking rodents to at least give her a makeover. The prince never fell in love with the plain girl until her beauty was unearthed. Sylvia’s beauty was still buried under a mountain of unattractive unisex clothes and a haircut that hadn’t been styled since last May when she’d found a ten-dollar off coupon for the local chain family hairstylist.
“I’ll be just a minute,” Sylvia said as she went into the break room that housed staff lockers and the time cards.
Pulling on her Columbia jacket Sylvia slid on her backpack then swiped her badge through the time card reader. Taking a deep cleansing breath, she walked back out to see Matthias leaning against the wall scanning his phone. His long index finger was stroking the touch screen and Sylvia’s head filled with thoughts of the finger on her neck finding its way down her body.
This was a mistake.
“You know my tires are practically new…” Sylvia’s voice went higher every time she lied and this was no exception. Her tires were practically bald and couldn’t grip the road if they were covered in honey. “It seems silly to…”
“Prove it,” Matthias’ deep voice challenged her.
“Are you calling me a liar?”
“I think you’re overly cautious and have determined if you drive five miles per hour you’ll have less damage to your body than one night with me.”
Sylvia swallowed the huge lump in her throat and prayed it’d go past her chest without coming back up.
“I told you, I’ll be a gentleman and not touch,” Matthias raised his eyebrow. “What you don’t want me to touch.”
Sylvia licked her lips as she drank in Matthias still leaning against the wall across from her. Even with six feet between them, she felt a current of electricity bouncing back and forth.
“So you gonna play show and tell?”
“Excuse me?” Sylvia tried to find an ounce of moisture in her mouth, but came up dry.
“Your car? Are you going to show me your brand new snow tires or concede you’re afraid of being in an enclosed space with me…alone…on a dark and stormy night?”
Chapter Three
Silly slipped on the walk back to his place and Matthias’ hand instantly went to her waist. She braced herself against his torso, her fingers gripping tightly to his wool coat. When his balance was compromised for a second she let go immediately. Actually spun to make his arm release her hips.
“It’s okay.” She pushed herself up off the cold ground ignoring his hand. “Guess it was a good thing I didn’t drive. My deductible’s like two grand.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked as she righted herself.
“A bruise on my ass. Nothing big.” Silly turned and brushed the snow off her butt, then looked back up to him. “Well, I’m sure the bruise isn’t big at least. Oh well, I don’t get to sit at work anyway.”
“I could have kept you up?”
“Then I wouldn’t have any battle scars from the great blizzard.”
A cold pang went through him. He’d been seen leaving with her. Now she had a bruise on her ass. Fear crept over him until her eyes met his, calming him instantly. All the thoughts of lawsuits and rape allegations flew out of his head as fast as they had come in.
“Plus, you’d have dropped that bag of food and I have a feeling all you have in your refrigerator is a dozen bottles of Gatorade, a half empty carton of eggs, and ketchup.”
He smiled at her and shook his head. “Hot sauce.”
“Oh right, you’re from the south, I forgot.”
“Are you from here?”
“No. Suburbanite from the Twin Cities.”
They continued on their walk. Matthias kept his free hand behind Silly just in case.
“What brought you here?”
Silly looked down and crossed her arms. Her lips pursed, then she sucked them in making them disappear completely.
“A guy who left you?”
“Not exactly.” Her voice was muffled and she seemed to be focused on her feet.
“Everyone’s made mistakes.”
“It’s not like that. I don’t know you well enough to get into my immature reason for leaving home. But I love living here. I’ve made some great friends and there’s nothing back there for me to go home to anyway.”
“Why not?”
“I’m sure you’re used to getting everything you want, but my life isn’t up for discussion.”
“You confuse me.”
“How so?”
“You’re a fan, which normally means you’d do anything for me. Within reason although I did have a guy say he worshiped me so much he’d go down on me and he was in front of his wife.”
“Let’s turn around. I’ll take my chances on the road.”
“I didn’t mean I wanted you to go down on me. It was this balding old guy covered in gold paint and…well, listen… Okay, damn it, you…”
His hands started to fly out of his control as he paced back and forth trying to get his words right.
“You confound me. You’re lukewarm at best to me and cold all the rest of the time.”
“Why are you pushing?” Silly spat. “In public you want me to fawn all over you? Rub up against you? Feed your ego? I don’t think you need any of that.”
“So now I’m egotistical?” He barked, losing control for the first time in years.
“No.” She shook her head in disgust at the thought. Her voice lowered as she took his hand in hers. Letting one hand cradle while the other stroked the top of his hand. “I know the image of you. What you allow out to the world. I’m just as confused as you, but more so, because you’re a public figure and I don’t want to mix the real with the fantasy. And right now, I keep looking for Ashton Kutcher and a film crew.”
He looked at her and brought his free hand to her face. Inside he cursed he was wearing gloves. He wanted to feel the softness of her skin against his as he stepped into her personal space.
“I’m normal. Like everyone else in the world. I sleep, eat, shave, get dressed, go to the…”
Her hand raised cutting him off. “You’re not normal. Normal is worrying about your paycheck that’s going to be an hour short and sitting at the Laundromat with a can of mace.”
“You wouldn’t have to worry about that paycheck if you didn’t pay a staff to feed you and get you dressed.”
Silly’s head cocked to the side as her eyebrows pulled her forehead into a furrow. Then her lips twitched.
“Don’t laugh. Whatever you do, don’t laugh,” Matthias goaded her until she cracked. Burying her head against his chest he couldn’t help stroking her hair until she stopped.
“Oh my God, you’re a moron.”
“You got it,” he said out of pure pleasure.
“You’re still a moron.”
“Let’s get going.”
Sylvia let Matthias hold her hand the rest of th
e way to his condo.
* * * *
“While you reheat could I ask a favor?”
“Of course.”
“I have to work tomorrow and my ass is wet…do you have something I could change into?”
Matthias’ eyes scanned her body and Sylvia had to clench her fists to let her nails dig into the skin of her palm. Anything to keep the smile from crossing her lips from the way he was looking at her.
“It’ll be big on you. Would you be okay in a T-shirt or robe?”
“I guess your T-shirt would be like formal wear.”
“On you it’d be long. Actually it’s cold, how ‘bout a hoodie?”
He took Sylvia to his room and pulled out a leather gray hoodie, a pair of tube socks that would go past her knees, and a pair of boxer briefs.
“These probably wouldn’t work.”
“It’s just Sharee never wanted to wear underwear for more than twelve hours.”
“Now you’re trying to get me out of my panties?”
“No…no…” Matthias was flustered when Sylvia finally started to laugh. “Oh now you have jokes.”
“I’m trying to come back to earth.”
“So which is you? The guard or the comedian?”
“Both. Depends on my mood. Don’t worry, my other twelve personalities should emerge sometime.”
“Do they have different names?”
“I don’t know. Why don’t you ask them and let me know.”
Matthias’ smile made her whole body warm. That was when she finally broke.
“There’s one personality we need to discuss.”
He looked at her like she was a freak.
“I’ve been a fan for a long time and right now I want to jump up and down and scream like a twelve-year-old that just saw Justin Beiber.”
He smiled and nodded.
“I’m trying to stay cool so you don’t think I’m a total spazz okay. I know you’re a normal person and not a superhero but to me…”