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Silly Girl Page 16

  “Like what?”

  “Sir, I warned her…she has a little crush on you I swear she means well—”

  “Where is she?”

  “On break.”

  “Where would that be?”

  “The break room is that way.” He pointed across the room.

  “Thanks…and Sylvia has never been anything but professional with me. I promise.”

  That wasn’t so hard, Matthias thought. Matthias walked along the corridor looking for something that said “employees only.” But the lost feeling he’d been experiencing came back until he turned down a final hallway.

  At the edge of the hallway Matthias could see Silly standing with her hands resting on the balcony. The foyer below probably wasn’t even open tonight. He couldn’t understand why she was there after her break.


  Silly turned and stood at attention.

  “Sir, you are going to have to return to the lobby. This area is closed.”

  “Silly Girl,” Matthias teased, but caught the glare from her eyes.

  “Sir, if you do not leave immediately, I will be forced to have you removed from the premises.”

  Silly put her hand on her radio.

  “Sylvia, it’s me, Matthias.”

  “I know who you are Mr. Jessup and that is the only reason I have given you this leeway. Please exit the area.”

  “Stop it. I don’t have time for this shit, Silly. It’s almost midnight.”

  Silly stood steadfast. Sharee’s words came back to Matthias. If that girl talks to you again I’d be surprised. What had he done?

  “Okay, I did something to piss you off, but not kissing me at midnight could mean bad luck for the two of us next year.” Matthias said, finally arriving at the edge of the corridor only to see Silly’s eyes were red as hell. “Hey, what happened?”

  “Did Sharee rent my apartment out?”

  “Wait. Slow down.”

  “Did she?”

  “I don’t know, why?”

  “I’m moving out, preferably tonight.”

  “Wait, you’re not moving out. You just moved in.”

  “You don’t control me.” Silly shoved Matthias, knocking him off balance.

  “I’m not trying to control anything, but why would you move out?”

  “Because you’re in love with her and I won’t be settled for.”

  “Settled? What are you talking about?”

  “I heard you…Sharee’s perfect in every way,” Silly mocked with rage in her eyes.

  “In every way, but one.”

  “You didn’t say but one,” Silly growled as she said each word as if it were its own sentence.

  Matthias tried to regain his composure. He fucked up. He saw that now.

  “It’s implied.”

  “Bullshit. Just get away from me.” Silly stalked off.

  “No,” Matthias said as he reached for her arm and turned her around. “Sharee is what people who want perfection look for. She’s plastic without the hardware. Sorry, she’s trained me over the years how to act in public. Remember, the thing you fell for? The fake…not always fake…but fake me performing for the fucking cameras. You…” he leaned his lips to Silly’s ear, “are real.”

  “Deformed,” Silly corrected, pulling away, “and not for you.”

  “It’s my damn job. I can’t change my responsibilities for you, just like you wouldn’t take off tonight for me.”

  “Seriously? You’re punishing me for working. I’m sorry that I am more than capable of taking care of myself and not like Sharee bleeding you for cash, but on my own merit.”

  Matthias stepped back as if she’d slapped him in the face.

  “It may not be fancy and I may not make millions, but I at least know how to change a toilet paper roll and don’t have to hire out.”

  “I’m busy. I need people to help me.”

  “No…you don’t. And you don’t see what it’s doing to you.”

  “Who are you to say what something does or doesn’t do to me?”

  “You’re right, it’s not my place. Go back to Sharee.” Silly turned and walked down the long hallway.

  “You know what Sharee’s missing?” Matthias yelled and Silly stopped. “The ability to turn me on.”

  “Please, you didn’t even so much as say hi to me tonight, so don’t say I turn you on. I turn you on when there’s no other option.”

  “I always have other options,” Matthias snapped.

  “Then I guess I won’t be missed,” she grumbled.

  “Silly, with one touch you make everything right,” Matthias said. She relaxed a little, but didn’t turn around.

  This would have to be like the first night. He’d have to open up so she trusted him.

  “When you talk to me I’m actually interested in what you say and when you sleep it’s like the light has gone out in my world.” Every step he took toward her echoed against the marble walls.


  From the main lobby they could hear the countdown start.


  “Silly.” Matthias swept his hand under her hair and turned her chin up toward him. He could feel her pulse racing against his palm as he leaned in close to her lips. “You’re amazing, spectacular and so far beyond perfection there isn’t a scale to measure you.”


  “You can hate me all you want, but when they say one…”

  “The only thing I hate right is I can’t stop being in love with you.”

  Silly brought her lips to his and he knew she’d stay.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Tell me how I helped you?” Matthias asked as he lay next to Sylvia.

  Over a week had passed since New Years. Although she was confused by his question, she didn’t want to turn to look at him. Something about his firm chest pressed lovingly against her back and the way his long leg wrapped around her legs felt too wonderful to risk shifting and losing the sensation. And then there were his hands. His long fingers that were stroking hers as their palms would touch for a second in a tangled embrace, then separate so he could softly touch the pads of his fingertips to hers.

  Sylvia loved the feel of his calloused hands against her smooth palm. It reminded her that he did work. And hard. Sure he got the calluses from weightlifting and playing basketball, but that was his job and he was successful at it. As Matthias buried his face in her hair he whispered his question again and the warmth of his breath tickled her neck.

  “How did I help you?”

  “When?” Sylvia replied still unsure of what he meant.

  “You said, I helped pull you out of your depression, how could I do that without ever even meeting you?”

  “Well,” Sylvia said, still focused on the way Matthias was now stroking her side and sliding his hand underneath the T-shirt he had been wearing that somehow was now draped over her body. “There was something about the way you moved. I was so fixated on my own anger that I couldn’t let anyone close. I wouldn’t talk when they sent me to therapy and I would lock myself in my room wishing I’d lose the baby so I could move on with my life.”

  Rage began building inside of her as she remembered the way she’d dream about lining all the kids up at school and shooting them one by one in the head just to make the comments stop. She had hated the talking behind her back. There had never been any sympathy or compassion. Even from the detectives working her case. They saw it as a dead end that was going to hurt their percentage. The boys at school would come up to her and think they could place their hands on her knees or stroke her cheek with the back of their hand. Asking her if she preferred giving head to straight sex because they didn’t want to have to work around her belly.

  It took everything in her to hold in her pee when they’d touch her. Any touch brought her back to that humid room and the mattress that smelled of sweat, urine, and vomit. She’d stand in the hallway with her mouth closed, her eyes shut tight, and her body shak
ing in fear. It had become a running joke.

  Shaking her head, Sylvia was brought back to reality where Matthias was holding her tight and touching her without her becoming overcome by fear.

  “Then, you were highlighted and you were graceful. So many players go for the loud-I’m-gonna-break-the-backboard slams, but you were gentle, yet so strategic. I don’t know what it was, but the thought that someone like you existed in the world gave me hope.”

  Sylvia rolled so she was flat on her back with Matthias looking down on her as he rested on his elbow. His finger stroked a loose strand of hair from her eyes as he leaned down and caressed her lips. Gentle, yet strategic.

  “But what about when I married Sharee? Didn’t that kinda ruin me?”

  “No, it’s not like I ever thought I had a real chance for…well…this with you. I just held out hope that if there was one of you I’d be able to find your doppelganger I guess.”

  “You still looking for him? ‘Cuz I could get out of the way.”

  “No, you’ll do I guess,” Sylvia teased. “For now.”

  “You’re going back to school soon aren’t you?”

  “Yeah.” Sylvia sighed and snuggled tighter. “And your season’s about to pick up again.”

  Secretly Sylvia feared what they had built was going to end although she also thought if she brought it up Matthias would try to prove her wrong and keep the relationship going longer than either of them should. Much like Sharee, keeping the marriage together for years after it was “over”.

  “Will you be mad at me for calling you late?”

  “Why would I be mad?”

  “West coast games, it’ll be almost two in the morning here before I could call you, but I don’t want to mess you up for early classes.”

  “We’ll make it work if it’s supposed to.”

  “You’re still not sure, are you?”

  “Matthias…” Sylvia sighed then propped herself up. “What about when I go with the Royals for spring training? How’re you gonna feel about that?”

  Matthias closed his eyes and pursed his lips. Sylvia tried not to over think his reaction. Then she could feel the nerves about all the more sophisticated women in his life coming back.

  “I trust you, Silly, and as long as you can still make it to the All-Star game with me…I’m good.”

  “Have they announced who’s going this year yet?”

  “Please…Silly…don’t…you’re trying to get me going aren’t you.”

  “Prove to me why you should go.” Sylvia cocked her eyebrow ready for her favorite Matthias game…kiss the spot on her body where he can make a shot…she loved when he ran the baseline… otherwise known as her thighs.

  * * * *

  “What is this?” Silly asked as she dropped her spoon in her bowl and grimaced.

  It was mid-January and Matthias had three home games in a row this week. Luckily Silly only had morning classes on Tuesdays so they actually got to eat a meal together before eleven at night for a change.

  “It’s Turner’s veggie soup. I love it.”

  “He make it a lot for you?”

  “Yes, why? You don’t like it? Try dunking the rolls in there.”

  “It’s from a can.”

  “No, it’s not. He makes a big pot of it so I have enough for a week.”

  “It’s from multiple cans,” she repeated. “Probably cost him at most two bucks.”

  “Are you sure?” Matthias looked down at his soup.

  “This is easy enough for you to make it. I doubt it was even from concentrate. I can tell the difference between fresh, frozen and canned. And this,” Silly lifted a spoonful and let it plop back into her bowl. “Is canned. I don’t mind it, but Matthias you’re paying a man to cook fresh meals for you and here we are eating minestrone soup, from a can.”

  “He did heat it up for me,” Matthias said meekly.

  “Did you know?”

  “No, but it’s not in a can now and you use cans in your food.”

  “As a base and when I’m teaching you, yes. I can’t have you learn about soaking beans for chili right off the bat. I’m taking baby steps with you, but come on you know good food.”

  “So what do you want me to do? Fire him?”

  “That’s up to you,” Silly said with chagrin. “But you’re spending good money on a man who paid two dollars and spent five minutes cooking you lunch.”

  “What about the rolls? Those took time,” he said proudly holding up a wheat roll.

  “Brown and serve.”

  “What’s brown and serve?”

  “They come in a package, you put them on a baking sheet and cook for ten minutes. My bad, he spent five dollars and ten minutes cooking you lunch.”

  Matthias wanted to defend Turner, but the more Silly was pointing out the angrier he got. What happened to Sharee vetting people? She probably was sleeping with Turner when they were married. Turner always came in with a smile and bag of groceries. Matthias never questioned. Worse he never thought to question.

  “I’m not an idiot.”

  “I know. But I have a feeling some people think you are.”

  Matthias might as well of been punched in the gut. How could Silly say such a thing, to him of all people.

  “You said at New Years it wasn’t my place to say things,” Silly said as she stroked his cheek. “Ignore me and eat your soup. It’s good on a cold day and does have nutritional value. Keep Turner on if you like him.”

  “You won’t let me pay you to cook for me.”

  “No, I won’t. Hopefully someday you’ll see why.” She got up and dumped the rest of the soup down the sink and turned on the garbage disposal. Placing the rinsed out bowl in the dishwasher, Silly went to the bedroom.

  A text flashed on his phone. Hey baby, why you ignoring me? We need to get together soon.

  Matthias deleted the message and went to the cabinet. Just like Silly said it was fully stocked with all of Matthias’ favorite soups. There was minestrone, beef stew, and clam chowder.

  Another text arrived. Playing hard to get is just gonna make me punish you when we’re together again.

  Again? They’d never been together. The past week she’d sent him no fewer than fifty texts.

  He knew he had to stop this.

  “It’s about time, Matty,” Pop star sensation Destiny Shaw purred on the other end of the phone.

  “Who are you?”

  “Oh, don’t play that game with me,” she giggled. “You know exactly who I am. Why are we not together yet? Seriously, we’re both the top in our field. Think of the names the tabloids could make up for us. Mattiny, Destias, it makes me cream just thinking about how we could be together. Your long legs, my long tongue…”

  “Don’t call me again.”

  “You called me Matty, there must have been a reason.”

  This woman couldn’t get a clue and he didn’t know who gave her his private number. Right now he wasn’t sure who he could trust. His cook was a damn fraud, Silly was new and finding flaws like he was a damned infant, Langston took his orders from Sharee half the time, and Simone hadn’t proven shit. Worst of all, his damn body was beginning to betray him in ways that could cost him everything.

  “I called to get you to stop.”

  “You say that now. But come Grammy Sunday—”

  “I’m busy.”

  “Oh…don’t say that baby. You know we both understand and respect each other.”

  “I’m sorry if I…Oh I didn’t know you were on the phone,” Silly said as she backed up into the living room.

  “I have to go.”

  “So soon,” Destiny continued to purr and Matthias cut the line.

  * * * *

  Sitting on the couch, Sylvia’s knee bounced as she tried to calm her nerves. She watched Matthias in the kitchen. She hadn’t meant to upset him, but the way people used him like a damn meal ticket was getting under her skin. Sadly she didn’t know if it was because he couldn’t see it or he didn’t c

  “There’s a lot of soup in my cabinets, you wanna show me how to cook it?”

  “It’ll be a struggle, they are complicated.”

  “Are they now?” He reached down and pulled her to her feet.

  “I didn’t mean to—”

  A kiss cut her off as he cradled her head in his hands. It wasn’t the same sensual kisses he’d been giving her, but it wasn’t cold either. It just was.

  “You’re trying to protect me aren’t you?”

  “Let’s just say some things tick me off more than others.”

  “I’m firing Turner. I’ll tell Sharee it’s because you’ll be cooking for me.”

  “Hmm…I don’t want any checks forwarded to me.”

  “Are you sure? Because I can make it rain.”

  “I think the car you gave me will cover my salary for the next three years,” she assured.

  “I didn’t pay for that.”

  “And that’s the only reason I accepted it.”

  “You’re weird.”

  “I’m sure I am. Now, how to cook soup?”

  “I’ve got a better idea.”

  “Do you?”

  “I’m worried about tomorrow’s game, can we just chill out and crash on the couch…or bed?” he asked with a little twinkle in his eye.


  “What can I say…I’m pretty sure I’m at least three episodes behind.”

  “You know you could not watch that for a year, come back and be able to pick right back up.”

  “It’s a theory. But why, when I could hold you and watch it for hours.”

  “All right ball player tell me why you’re scared of the Warriors, because I can’t see it.”

  “Have you seen their new guard?”

  “The twelve-year-old?”

  “That they’re comparing to Jordan.”

  “They compared you to Jordan,” Sylvia mocked. “Are you afraid of facing yourself?”

  “Only the younger me.”

  “I wouldn’t be,” Sylvia said as she pulled his hand up and played with his long fingers.

  “Why not?”

  “I’d know all my moves. Plus, it did take you a few years to handle the speed of an NBA game.”