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Silly Girl Page 12

  Sylvia turned back to her pancakes and started flipping them. Laying the bacon out in another skillet she tried to ignore Sharee, but couldn’t. They both loved Matthias, but Sharee had the upper hand and here she was trying to convince Sylvia she had Matthias wrapped around her finger.

  “Why are you here?”

  “To apologize.”

  “You’ve done that. What do you want from me? To blow up at you? Run away?”

  “Matthias is my best friend. Wouldn’t you do anything you could to get your best friend whatever he wanted?”

  “So you want me to be with him?”

  “Yes.” Sylvia turned back around and crossed her arms. “I know it doesn’t make sense, but I’ve got Jerome now and he makes me happy. But until Matthias is taken over I’ll never be able to move on with him.”

  “Taken over?”

  “He’s a mutant child that takes a lot of corralling.”

  “Or he’s a grown man that has gotten everything he’s ever wanted through hard work and perseverance.”

  “You really drank the Kool-Aid didn’t you?” Sylvia turned back around not about to be insulted by her diatribe of how Matthias couldn’t do anything without a mommy behind him. “Sylvia I’m sorry, but I do everything for him.”

  “Why don’t you stop and see what happens?”

  “How did you get food here? Did he make the list or you?”

  “I cook, so yeah, I made the list.”

  “The other lists are usually done by me. That man wouldn’t know when to refill the toilet paper without a woman giving someone a shopping list. He has ten people on staff.”

  “That include you?”


  “Tell me something. When you were married, did he pay you to shop? Or—”

  “Don’t you dare start with me. I’m not a hooker. Matthias and I were in love at one time and what we shared—”

  “I’m not his mommy, and don’t ever assume I’m going to act that way. If you were his woman once, than understand, that’s what I am now, his woman.”

  It was the first time Sylvia had said it out loud and the declaration was empowering. She was Matthias’ girl. Someone as wonderful as Matthias liked her. Sharee gathered up her belongings and headed to the door.

  “I like you, Silly Girl, but we’re gonna fight every step of the way. Tell Matthias’ he has until New Years to pick a new PR rep.”

  About a half hour later, the smell of bacon must have brought Langston and Matthias down the hall.

  “Hey baby,” Matthias said, sliding his hand across Silly’s stomach and lightly kissing her cheek.

  “I’ve got a dozen pancakes done in the oven.”

  “Mornin’ Silly.”

  “Langston, you staying for breakfast?”

  “Was that actually a question?”

  “Not really.” Sylvia flipped another four pancakes onto the plate in the oven. Then she reached for the batter to make four more, but Matthias took the bowl from her hand and set it back on the counter.

  “I want to show you something. Come with me.”

  Placing her hand in his, she walked to the corner of his living room. There was a four foot black statue on a pedestal. It was curved with what appeared to be two sections that came from two separated parts of the base. They seemed to spin around until they came together at the top, then bent backwards. Sylvia looked at it and walked around it. She started to reach for it, but pulled back.

  “Touch it. No statue can be understood by sight alone. They really are four dimensional, not three.”

  Sylvia put her hand on the cold black marble. Looking close she saw small strands of white and gray sweeping through the stone.

  Matthias put his hand over hers and slid it across the smooth surface. With his right hand on hers they glided over the curves of the statue, then his left hand slid under her shirt to her abdomen. Sylvia’s skin raised from the combination of sensations. Suddenly she felt an unnatural dip in the marble. It felt like a chip but it was more like a gash in the perfect surface.

  “This is called The Caress,” Matthias whispered in her ear. “It shows two souls coming together. But neither soul is perfect.” He explained as they hit another nick in the marble. “Somehow even though this damage is there they are still strong enough to hold up together and make something beautiful.” They passed by a few more nicks. “The damage does not affect the structure of the piece. It’s still strong and whole. The artist put the flaws in the marble on the inside of the curves to signify the world cannot see the cracks that people have in them. Only the two in the embrace can see or understand them.”

  “Since people don’t usually touch a sculpture how did the artist know he’d get his point across?” Sylvia asked, almost out of breath.

  She turned her head up as Matthias turned his head down. Matthias’ deep brown eyes mesmerized her.

  “Because he knew he’d only show the flaws to a woman that could understand it.”

  “This is yours?”

  “Master’s thesis. I carved the perfect statue then I thought about relationships. All the baggage you bring into it and problems that come up. This piece had it all and from across the room it was stunning. Up close is the problem. Now, if I keep people at arm’s length.”

  Matthias took two steps back with Sylvia wrapped tightly in his arms.

  “Then they can marvel at its technical beauty.”

  “So, it’s like your image.”

  “A lie to the naked eye, but not to the hand.”

  His hand then found Sylvia’s rose on her abdomen. He traced the scar on her stomach.

  “You’re beautiful Sylvia, and he could never take that away. No matter what he did to your surface, because much like that marble, your structural integrity is still intact. All those little lines hidden under the surface of you bring out more of your beauty.”

  Sylvia turned around and took his face in her hands down to kiss him. Her tongue swept across his lips and he opened his mouth. His arms wrapped around her body and pulled her off the ground.

  Releasing from the embrace Sylvia smiled at Matthias. “You are a romantic deep down where no one can see.”

  “It’s one of my nicks.”

  “Then I’ll keep the secret.”

  “And I’ll make sure yours will stay hidden also.”

  They ate and Sylvia finally saw the cool side of Langston. Matthias and he had her laughing so hard that her sides ached as they told of the years on the road, avoiding all the tales of women Matthias actually slept with.

  * * * *

  After breakfast Silly went to Matthias’ room and started to get dressed for work. Okay, in theory Matthias knew he’d have to get back to the real world and so would she, but he couldn’t help watching her from the doorway of the bathroom and trying to figure out how to stop her.

  “Stop staring.”

  “What if I paid you to skip work?”

  “Then I’d be a prostitute,” Silly joked while brushing her hair.

  “Who said we’d be having sex?”

  “You got priors,” she replied, sliding her hand across his abdomen. She stood on her tiptoes to snag a kiss. As she sat at the edge of his disheveled bed she put on her socks and looked at him. “Don’t you have to prepare for the game?”

  “Blah, blah, blah,” Matthias said as Silly started to make his bed. “Stop that.”

  “At my house yes, but here.” Her hands waved around. “It should be nice.”

  “That’s why I pay someone to come in. Wait. I could pay you to be my maid.”

  As soon as it came out, he realized how insulting what he had just said was.

  “I didn’t mean it like it sounded.”

  “At least it’s honest,” Silly said, walking out to get her coat. Matthias reached for her waist and pulled her close. “I thought I was more to you. Thanks for putting me back in my place.”

  “You are. It was a stupid thing to say. I’m used to paying those around me.”
/>   “Then maybe you need a new class of friends.”

  “I don’t know any different, why don’t you stay here and show me? I played hooky for you.”

  “Tighter you hold the more I’ll try to run.”

  Matthias took the hint and released her immediately.

  “Get your ass to work. I need a break from you.”

  “See. Was that so hard?”

  “Excruciating. Can Langston drive you to work?”

  “I think walking is quicker.”

  “I want Langston to take you.”


  “It’s safer.”

  “Why Langston?”

  “I looked outside. There are a lot of people out and about.” Matthias hated that he couldn’t just go for a walk with Silly. But that was his issue, not hers.

  “Right. It’s for safety not—”

  “I’m not trying to control you. I’d walk you, but I can’t. There are too many people out and I’m one of the few recognizable players.”

  Silly turned around and placed her hands on his cheeks. “It’s sweet that you care.” She then kissed his lips and he wrapped his arms around her wanting to carry her back into his condo.

  “I want to protect you.”

  “From what?”

  “Anything that could bring you a second of pain.”

  “I’ll let Langston take me. Only because I don’t want you to worry and get you off your game day routine.”

  “You’re spending the night tonight, right?”

  Jesus, when was the last time he begged a woman to stay around him. He was turning into a pussy whipped pathetic puppy.

  “Yes. I’ll stay.”

  “Would you move in while I’m out of town?”

  Did he just ask a girl that he hasn’t even gotten her cell phone number yet to move in with him? Yeah, Matthias thought, he did need a break from her.

  Silly was stumbling to find the words to respond.

  “Forget that I asked that.”

  “Wiped clear from my brain.”

  He knew it wasn’t. It was out there. Hell, he might as well ask her to marry him now and bare his two point three children while he was at it.

  “Your number.” He remembered. At least he could get that. “I do want your number.”

  “You know, that’s the first normal thing you’ve asked for from me.”

  “Good, that means your spell has been broken.”

  “Then I can’t stay tonight, I gotta go reset up my voodoo dolls at home.”

  “I knew it.”

  He smiled as Silly clicked her pen and wrote her number on his hand. When she opened the door to leave they both jumped at the sight of a woman with her hand poised to knock on the door.

  “Oh hi, I’m sorry, Mr. Jessup right?” The woman asked, extending her hand to him.

  “Yes,” Matthias replied, not taking her hand. She pulled it back.

  “I’m Simone Harris, Sharee sent me over for an interview.”

  “I didn’t have an interview scheduled today. PR rep? Those were supposed to be after Christmas.”

  “I’m going out of town to visit family between Christmas and New Years. Really, Mr. Jessup I’m the only PR rep you’ll need to interview.”

  “I like your confidence.”

  “Give me twenty minutes and I’m sure you’ll like a whole lot more.”

  Silly piped in. “Well, on that note, I’m going to head to work.”

  She lowered her head and inched past Simone, but Matthias pulled her back to him and tucked her hair behind her ear, kissing her softly on the lips.

  “Silly, be ready by five-thirty, Langston will pick you up.”


  Silly took off down the hallway and by the time she got on the elevator Matthias remembered she was supposed to be walking with Langston. Damn. Surveying his condo for the first time in the last few days since he’d been unable to see anything but Silly, he found it wasn’t trashed, but there were traces of Silly everywhere. He suppressed the memory of them on the couch, against the wall, or the way he fed on her at the table…best midnight snack he’d had in years.

  Turning to the woman in his doorway was the quickest way to quell the erection surfacing from the memories. She was taller than Silly, but then again most fourteen year olds were taller than her. Simone appeared to be in her mid-twenties and reminded him of a younger Sharee. Perfect down to her manicured nails and hair that probably cost her six hours in a beautician’s chair to obtain the slicked back no nonsense look of a professional business woman. Funny how now he preferred Silly’s tangled mess as she slept next to him. Ugh…that woman was all he could think about and that was going to set him off his game if he didn’t get his damn mind right.

  “Come in, please. Sorry about the way the apartment looks. My cleaning lady doesn’t come until this afternoon.”

  “Your home is fine, sir.”

  Matthias sat at his dining room table across from Simone who pulled out her resume and passed it to him. He’d never interviewed anyone by himself. Matthias couldn’t imagine why Sharee had decided he needed to make this decision on his own. When he heard the key in his lock he knew it wouldn’t be an issue.

  Sharee’s stilettos clicked on the tile as she came and sat next to him at the table.

  “You’re early…good,” Sharee stated as she reviewed the resume. “So you two have met.”

  “Yes. And I got a first hand example of what is needed here.”

  “Did you now? How’s that?”

  “The woman who left here this morning. You do know we’ll have to be watching all the social media sites for his name. What were you thinking?”

  “I don’t like her.” Matthias got up to take a shower.

  “I’m sorry Mr. Jessup, but your choice in overnight entertainment—”

  Matthias balled his fist as he turned around to face the woman who thought going to Vassar made her some damn expert in his life. Screw this.

  “Entertainment. What is wrong with my choice of companionship?”

  “Please, she’s…”

  “What have you heard about me in the last three days?” Matthias questioned.

  “Nothing except you missed a practice due to snow and a sore ankle.”

  “I think you can leave now, Simone,” Sharee informed her.

  “What did I do wrong?”

  “You didn’t learn about your client and you assumed you knew the facts and what type of

  person he is. Sylvia is his current girlfriend—”

  “And she can take out a full page ad in every rag out there and I won’t care,” Matthias snapped.

  “Then why haven’t you made the announcement about your relationship. I haven’t even heard rumors.”

  “Why do I need to announce every move I make in life?”

  “Because you get a percentage from your jersey sales. You have a shoe line, are a Gatorade

  rep, razors, and about two-dozen other sponsors. I heard that Ford is interested—”

  “Are they now?”

  “If you go with me.”

  Simone didn’t back down and told it like it was. He did have responsibilities on and off the court. If she could accept Silly he’d give her a chance.

  “Sylvia needs a new car.”

  “So, I get your latest—”

  “I’ve had two women in my life. One is sitting next to you and the other just left. Don’t get your people twisted.”

  “The second one needs a makeover.”

  “The second one is fine the way she is.”

  “We need to discuss burying her past,” Sharee added. “But that will only be discussed after your nondisclosure agreement has been signed. Matthias you know better than to talk until the paperwork’s taken care of.”

  “I haven’t done or said anything that I wouldn’t have said in public. I might have put on better clothes if I’d have known about my early morning appointment.”

  “It wasn’t on your calendar
?” Sharee pulled out her phone. “I sent it to you.”


  “Where’s your phone, Matthias?”

  Matthias felt scolded by his mother as he remembered the fight over the phone last night with Silly. He was sure it was behind his bed after she’d stuck and tucked it away everywhere on her body and finally gave up and sent it flying across the room. Going in the bedroom last night he was sure he’d end up holding her all night while she cried in his arms. Instead, once again Silly had proved to him her strength and resolve. They hadn’t had sex, but they did talk and joke and let him know she’d learned how to recover in her own way. When she slept, he saw the nightmare Sharee had dug up did effect her, but he’d been able console her with a few strokes of his hand through her hair and a whisper in her ear telling her that he was a better man for having met her.

  Both Sharee and Simone were staring at him as if he’d lost his damn mind…and maybe he had.


  “I forgot to put it on the charger. You trust her?” Matthias cocked his head toward Simone.

  “I’ve been vetting her for a while.”

  “I don’t have any interviews after Christmas do I?”


  “Then why didn’t you just hire her?”

  “I’m sitting in the room,” Simone chimed in.

  “And?” Matthias asked confused. He understood he’d need to see more than a blur when it came to Simone, but at this point she was furniture. “Have her sign the agreement and take her someplace to get her caught up on what she needs to know. I need to take a shower and I’d prefer if you two weren’t here when I got out.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Sylvia, you appear to be glowin’,” DeShawn teased when he saw her.

  Sylvia put her coat and backpack away in her locker.

  “You wearin’ the same clothes from Saturday, is this the walk of shame?”

  “DeShawn, we wear the same clothes every day. It’s called a uniform.”

  “I was talkin’ about your little, pink panties.”

  Sylvia blushed, then realized DeShawn was fishing.

  “You know I never wear panties on Saturdays,” Sylvia snapped as she slammed the door.