The Last to Know Page 12
Something in his face had her worried. “Everything okay? You know?” Her eyes cut down.
Clay’s dimple reappeared. “MeMaw promised us private time.”
Savannah pinched him on his hip.
“Hurt me baby, hurt me. The nurse dosed me with some fun stuff.”
“Oh lord,” Savannah groaned as she helped him back into bed. “We’ll never know if it’s brain damage or he’s just high.”
“Kiss me baby.” This time when he puckered up, he included a bit too much of the left side of his face and he winced. “Ice me baby.”
He was cute and that made it hard not to smack the ice pack on the side of his face. Instead, she gently laid it and his eyes started to droop again. “You passin’ out on me again?”
“Will you still love me tomorrow?” he asked. “Doc said I won’t be the cute one anymore.”
“Miles is looking pretty hot right now,” she joked.
“Which one is Miles?” Clay asked as he arched his right eyebrow since his left was still in dire need of stitches. “I’ll give you a hint, Stormy over there is white, so it’s not him. And Mellie, she’s a girl.”
“Does it matter? All you Long boys look alike,” she teased. Although Miles and Monty did look similar to each other, they didn’t look much like Clay and Walt. Clay was the tallest and broadest of all of them. The rest were a bit scrawny for her. She liked Clay’s round sweet face similar to MeMaw’s. The dimple though…he was the only one with one of those that she’d seen. Then again, smiles weren’t high on the menu right now.
Tension between Clayton’s generation and the older ones meant something stupid would go down soon, if the cops didn’t arrest Cash and his friends. Chairs had been brought into the room, but only women and older men were sitting. Miles, Monty and Walt were standing so stiff, she wondered if an IV of starch had been shot into them.
“Tramadol is kicking in I see,” Dr. Matthews noted as he came back in the room. “He’s got a little bit of blood in his urine. Not enough to think he did permanent damage to his kidney, just what someone gets from a good kidney punch.”
“See dad,” the younger of the two brothers said to Clay’s uncle. “We don’t need to kill them, just rough them up a bit. Clay’s pissin’ blood, they should be too. That’s not asking much.”
“Shitting blood would be going too far,” the other brother said as if discussing a menu and the use of shellfish in a casserole. “We have limits. Now, can we go kick his ass?”
“Clay!” Walt barked.
“I’m up.” Clay sat up before swan diving back down to the bed, which thankfully was partially up, so the drop wasn’t big. “I’m down.”
“Clay…Miles, Sunny and Monty want to kick Cash’s ass. You good with that?”
“No,” Clay said as his mouth moved strangely like he was trying to suck on a straw or find moisture in the air. “I got him already, they need to hit Riley or Trent.”
“Riley?” Doc asked and quickly became the center of attention. “Riley Barns?”
“Why?” Walt asked as a chill tore through the room.
“That’s the peckerwood,” Clay mumbled going back into a little slumber but not before reaching for Savannah. With a swirl, she was pulled onto the bed and Clay turned her into his own private teddy bear.
She knew he was strong, but this was ridiculous.
“He’s out now,” Walt observed.
Savannah tried to unhook from his arm but the rest of the Long’s just laughed at the effort.
“Just give up. Until he’s fully awake, you’re on lockdown.
“No really?” Savannah said only to get a second round of laughs.
“I’ll help you later,” Sunny offered. “After Doc here tells us which room Clay put Riley in.”
“I shouldn’t have said anything, it’s just that Riley was tossed from a horse tonight, so he couldn’t of been in a fight,” Doc Matthews explained
“My elbow is not a horse,” Clay grumbled.
Immediately, everyone moved in close to make sure they heard what he said. Savannah had no choice in the matter since his mouth was right as his ear.
“What did he say about a horse?” Melody asked.
“Of course all you heard was an animal,” Miles replied.
“He said his elbow isn’t a horse,” Savannah translated. “He’s high as a kite.”
“Or he busted Riley’s knee up,” Monty figured. “Which is it? And is Riley here with any friends or did they just roll him out of the truck as they went by?”
“Boys,” Doc said holding up his hands. “The only blood shed here is from the nurses and a needle.”
“He’s still here,” Sunny said as the men pushed past the doctor and started searching the rooms.
Savannah could hear excuse us and sorry ma’am. When the scuffling started, she was the one to hold tight to Clay’s arm and he nuzzled her neck. He was oblivious to the world as she wished she were. Somehow, even if all six of the guys were in with Riley, they seemed out numbered since rage had to double the man count.
“No reason to hear such silliness.” MeMaw got up and closed the door to Clay’s room. “Look at my baby, sleeping so nice. You two fit together like puzzle pieces. So nice.”
“Clevon, Henry,” Loretta barked. “Stop them.”
“You got bail money on you?” Clevon asked Henry.
“Some.” Henry shrugged until he caught the glare from Loretta and pushed up off the chair. “I gotta at least get my two.”
Three hours later, Clay was released, the first round of drugs had worn off enough, he could walk on his own. MeMaw insisted Savannah stay with him and she agreed happily.
Patty was risking his job staying at the ranch, but he seemed to have decided if he didn’t, Savannah would steal it from him in the middle of the night. Then again, if what Walt said was true she could just sell and leave it for someone else to handle. God knows that class action lawsuit could take a decade. As she tucked Clay into bed, a decade didn’t seem so long. And it’s not like she couldn’t see the Winston Ranch from his bedroom window.
Chapter Ten
Drugs, lots of drugs. The thought resonated through Clay’s mind as pain woke him up, instead of his normal stiffness. Although the smell of bacon cooking might have been involved. With a groan, his feet found their way to his floor and he discovered standing should be done slowly as he got up, only to have his head swim. Bracing on his dresser, he stumbled to the bathroom to relieve one bit of pressure. Not one to normally look in the bowl, he made an exception and noticed very little red tint this time.
“There you go big man,” he said giving himself a thumbs up in the mirror before washing his hands. “Heal thy self.”
“What do you think you are the Black Panther?” Savannah asked, as she stood barefoot in an old Ramones t-shirt that hung to her mid thigh as she passed him a pair of jeans.
“Are you asking because I’m black or because a panther and wolverine are both animals?” he asked as he tugged on his jeans.
“Damn it.” She crossed her arms and leaned against the doorjamb. “I thought I got that one right.”
“Sorry, nope, but I love that you try.” Not caring about the possibility of pain, he leaned down and kissed her lightly. “You know you could always kiss it and make it better.”
“After breakfast.”
“You cooked?” he questioned more because he didn’t remember having food in the cabin.
“MeMaw came by around six with groceries.” Savannah yawned. “Then Melody stopped in with your bottles of water around seven. The visitors have been intermittent since then, but I have a feeling it being lunchtime and all, we’ll get another batch. Hopefully, my shorts will be dry by then. I have them hanging out on the porch with some other clothes.”
“I don’t know,” Clay said as he leaned down and cupped her ass. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he blanched and stood up straight. “It shouldn’t hurt touching an ass that nice. I hurt.” He pouted.
nbsp; She stood on her tiptoes to kiss his forehead. “Your aunt brought your prescriptions by earlier.” Savannah shook two bottles of pills. “How conscious are you wanting to be?”
“Depends.” He smiled. “Are you really gonna put on shorts?” Food was a must. He vaguely remembered his family members eating in his room he was sure he didn’t even have a bite. Funny, how he remembered the fight, the aftermath and even seeing Savannah’s petrified face when he called her his girlfriend, but then it was a bit of a blur. “Let’s go for less pain, more brain,” he said.
She put one bottle down. “No narcs it is. Now sit.”
Clay did and when Savannah placed a plate in front of him, he couldn’t help but curl his arm around her thighs. This was right, this was how it should be. Maybe they could buy her land and live in the cabin for a few years or a few kids. The fence line wasn’t that far away. Although, moving all the way to the Winston house wouldn’t be a bad idea either, but he would miss the stream. “I assume you’ve eaten?” he asked.
“Yep,” she replied and snatched a piece of his bacon. “Really, you should credit me on my self control. There are still pieces for you.”
“It’s amazing.” He bit the bottom half of the strip in her mouth. The sound of four-wheelers and trucks made him uncurl from her and let her loose. Grabbing the glass of orange juice, he swallowed the pills she gave him and continued to eat his breakfast. Bacon was good, toast a little dark, but editable, the eggs were burnt. Not black just a bit browner than he was used to. He liked them shiny, but that would come with time. Tina wasn’t the best cook when she first got to the ranch and coming in with a group of bachelors fresh from losing his mother, he’d learned how not to insult a woman’s cooking.
“Looks like half the county is here,” Savannah said as she went out on the porch hopefully to put on her shorts. “Ugh, Patty is with them.”
“Hey Savannah, how’s the patient?” Sunny asked.
“Awake and eating, I see the bail money came through.”
“Bail money,” Clay called. “What bail money? What the hell did I miss?”
“Charges were dropped or reduced.” He and Savannah walked back in, but she stayed by the door. “Basically, we were all released.”
“I doubt you’ll be so lucky,” Uncle Patty snarled as he burst through the door of the cabin with Dean in lockstep.
“What did I do?” Clay wondered what he could have done to Patrick Winston in the last twelve hours, warranting arrest. Was he there when he was getting his ass handed to him?
“Not you, the imposter.” Patty stepped a bit too close to Savannah for either Clay or Sunny’s comfort and both men stood with a shoulder between Patty and Savannah. “Living in my brother’s home, calling him daddy and wearing his clothes.” Patty snatched at the t-shirt Savannah was wearing.
Instantly, Clay had a burst of adrenaline as he caught Patty’s wrist and soon had the man pinned against the wall.
“DNA came back,” Dean said.
Not caring, Clay wasn’t about to let go of Patty, not just yet.
“Savannah is not Connie’s daughter.”
“I’m not?” she asked but didn’t seem surprised. “Of course, I’m not.”
“You knew,” Patty snarled.
“No, but I never declared from the rooftops I was his daughter. How would I know? But after being around Teddy and Dorothy, there was no chance I could actually have a nice family waiting for me. That’s what I meant.”
“I don’t believe you.” Patty strained against Clay.
Clay didn’t budge, not yet. He knew that look, he’d seen it in his own mirror more than once. Patty was ready to kill Savannah when she was kin to him, no way he wouldn’t now that she was a stranger.
“Not a damn word. Clay if you don’t let me go I swear to God—”
“What blasphemous thing are you threatening now?” Dad asked with his soft Southern drawl as he unlocked Clay’s hand from around Patty’s wrist. “Ain’t you been beat enough Clayton? Your MeMaw may put up a tough front but she can’t handle too many more trips to the hospital. Now let’s all sit down…” Clevon glanced at the plate of burnt eggs and gave his son a knowing look. “And discuss whatever has Patty’s panties in a bunch. Someone piss in your boots again?”
Walt put on an innocent look as he plopped on the old couch that had at one time been their mother’s big purchase for the house. Everything found it’s way out to the cabin right before the dump. The coffee table had been MeMaw’s at one time.
“Not surprising, she’s in bed with the Long’s. I bet the second she told you she owned the ranch, you guys were on her,” Patty accused. “Don’t try to deny it Walt.”
“Actually, I’ve been thinking about buying that stretch of land,” Walt admitted with his back to the room.
Savannah looked over at Clay.
He shrugged his shoulders, it had nothing to do with him.
“Technically, it is Savannah’s still. Just because Connie gave it to her before checking her made in tag, isn’t her fault.” Walt leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. “At least that’s the way the law’s written. If she wants to sell, it’s well with in her purview.”
“Of course, if she were to marry Clay, then you could really tie my hands huh?” Patty snapped.
“Don’t bring me into this shit,” Clay shot back.
“Didn’t you?” Walt asked as he stood. “Because I remember talking to you about doing just that. We made a deal remember? You want more control in ranch issues. You can’t do that if you don’t put in your two cents and carry your load.”
“And I’m the load you were tasked with?” Savannah asked as she pulled her boots on. “I never said I was Connie’s daughter. I never knew he or this piece of shit town existed. And if I never see it again, guess what? It’ll be too damn soon! Don’t worry Patrick, I’m not going to fight you for a ranch that was never mine. I’ll clear out and be gone. I came here to find out the truth, well I guess I did.” Savannah stormed out of the cabin.
Clay followed, but she had super speed this morning. Even with her needing two steps to his one long stride, she was soon over far enough in front of him he didn’t think she could hear his calls, but he still tried. Running back to the cabin, he found his truck keys and took off after her. She didn’t know this land and if she wouldn’t listen to him, he would toss her in his truck before she twisted an ankle or met up with one of the poisonous snakes on the ranch.
* * * *
The soft rumble of a truck wasn’t going to make Savannah turn. She didn’t want to come to this place. Gareth practically forced her and Dean wasn’t much better. Everyone wanted her to come here. Her mother told Connie he was her father, she didn’t. Where was her car? Was it still at the Hard Root? Fuck, how was she going to walk all the way to the Winston’s? The midday sun wasn’t helping either. She couldn’t have been more than a half mile from the cabin and sweat was already covering her skin.
“Savannah get in the truck,” Clay said as he drove alongside her.
“Let me think, um…no!” she replied.
“Really, it takes almost ten minutes to drive out here…how long you think it’ll take you to walk it?” he asked with one arm resting on the top of the steering wheel. “Plus, I’m not supposed to be driving, head injury and all.”
It was then she noticed he was actually wearing sunglasses. She didn’t want to care, not in the least, he could go fuck himself, but as she looked ahead all she saw was land and more land.
“Yes sir, it’s a long walk and I doubt you brought water or a tent. At least take the water.” Now, Clay was looking ahead with a bottle of cold water in his hand.
Savannah licked her lips as she stared at the condensation beading on the side of the bottle. He bounced it a bit in his hand and she snagged the thing. It’s not like he would lace it with something and drag her back. She wasn’t going back ever, not to be accused of something she didn’t do. Not this time. “I took it,” she said and the
n swallowed a nice cool drink. It refreshed her in a way that had her wanting to run faster, but she knew better. She needed to save it. The walk would be long and she needed the time.
Clay didn’t talk to her after that. He rode alongside her, probably with the air on high as she baked right next to her. When she sped up so did he, when she jogged the left, so did he. He wasn’t going to let her roam freely, he was staying on her hip, even if his truck was probably just on idle.
The sun was burning her face and sweat made her thick hair mat against her neck and cheek. Removing the t-shirt from some stranger her mother dated, she wrapped it around her head as if it were a scarf. With her hair rolled into a bun, she looked in Clay’s side view mirror to make sure she’d gotten it all. Not the best idea since she didn’t have sun block, but her temperature did drop ten degrees she swore. When a random gust of wind went by, she was downright chilled.
Clay sped up a bit and she feared he might abandon her, instead she caught him checking her out since she was just in cut offs and a red lace bra. Even with the sunglasses, she could tell what was going on and decided to tease the poor bastard, so he would never hurt another girl like he had her. Guess it was a good thing she never had anything in life. At least, she knew where she stood with people and why the hell she’d always kept them at arm’s length.
This hurt, it hurt bad. Even as she played with her bra to make her boobs look bigger and close together, she felt the tears welling up in her eyes. She wanted Clay’s eyes her on and be licking his lips because he couldn’t get enough of her. Instead, it was hollow and empty as she thought of him pursuing her. Was it all for a chance to get a piece of land? Property? Something that was damaged? Did the Long’s not own enough of Tender Root, they needed another fifteen thousand acres? She hadn’t even seen all of the ranch because she couldn’t imagine it really being hers and it wasn’t.
Why would her mother have lied to Connie? It’s not like she even knew he had a ranch or property. What did she think would happen? Shit, her mother was probably pulling up to the Winston’s as Savannah walked. The sun crept along the sky and she had to have been walking for hours now.